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U.S., Russian Defense Ministers Speak by Phone

June 27—Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters at the Pentagon June 25 that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov spoke by phone at the initiative of the U.S. side. “During the call, the Secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine,” he said. “The last time Secretary Austin spoke to his Russian counterpart, then-Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, was on March 15th, 2023.”

The Russian readout, not issued until this morning, was likewise terse. “The defense ministers shared their views on the situation in Ukraine,” it said. “Andrey Belousov pointed out the danger of further escalation due to continued supply of U.S. weapons to the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine]. Other issues were also discussed.”

Well-placed intelligence source with knowledge of White House discussion report that President "Sleepy Joe" Biden was awake and furious that U.S. military operative on the ground in the Ukraine and working from other bases as well, had allowed choice of civilian targets in the Russian homeland in Savastopol, especially after Biden himself, while in Europe and since had stated that he would allow the use of U.S. weapons, such as the ATACMS missile system on targets in Russia with military bearing on the war in the Ukraine. Such attacks required U.S. military approval, as the Ukrainian cannot program or guide these weapons systems. Biden reportedly ordered Austin to tell the Russians that he, Biden, considered such attacks a mistake and assure him that the President did not support these action.

The sources report that Biden was also furious with the NATO sock puppet and Ukraine's self-proclaimed President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is said to have chosen the targets, as part of a Nazi-like teror campaign he would wage against Russian civilian populations. In this, he shares the view of Pentagon psyops warriors, that while the war on the battlefield in the Ukraine is already lost, pressure could be put on Russian President Vladimir Putin to seek a more favorable peace of the Russian population were attacked and its support for Putin and the war somehow diminished.

"This is complete insanity," a source said the "terror campaign."  " It is same stupid shit that Hitler tried against the British, with the bombing of London and England. How well did that work?"  The source said the sometimes sentient Biden does not really engage in these strategy discussions, but that people who surround and manipulate him do. "For Biden, it is simple," said the source. "If you push Putin too far, he is coming for us. It is hard to campaign around the idea of supporting a nuclear war with Russia. But Biden is not really in control of this ship of fools. In reality, no one is—and that is a real danger for humanity."

Moscow Has No Doubt U.S. Behind Sevastopol Attack

June 27—During his remarks on June 25 in Minsk, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested that the June 23 attacks on Sevastopol and Dagestan were coordinated in some way. “We have little doubt that these acts were synchronized. Likewise, we have no doubt that the Americans were behind the attacks on Sevastopol,” the Belarus Telegraph Agency, BelTA, quotes Lavrov as saying, reported TASS. His complete opening statement to her, including that “We are grateful for the condolences we have received over the terrorist attacks in Sevastopol and Dagestan. There can be little question that they were synchronized or that the attack on Sevastopol was masterminded in the United States. President Putin said many times that from the military-technical viewpoints the Ukrainians cannot independently launch ATACMS. Launch missions are determined by American experts, and data from American satellites is used to target these missiles,” is posted to Moscow’s Foreign Ministry website. 

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