Free Speech and the Price of Freedom
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A Message From The Speir News and Entertainment Platform

If you just arrived at this unique space on the worldwide net, welcome to the Speir News and Entertainment Platform. To our many friends and viewers, welcome back. What Speir is intended to be is a safe pace for truth seekers, who are looking not for the slop and outright propaganda that pollutes the media, including the social media, but for thought provoking coverage of current history that tries to give people a glimpse of what might be going on "beneath the floorboards," where policies are made that determine our present and future lives, without our knowledge and certainly without our consent. We present this in the English language, but with our unique, "We Speak Your Language" translation app, it is available to you in almost any language and dialect in the world, for you to read and share.

One of the essential principles of individual freedom is the right to free, uncensored speech—the right to express one's ideas without fear of repression or penalty, and without some government or other authority, such as a social media platform, to determine what can and cannot be said, or tell someone what is true or false. Free speech carries with it the responsibility to not knowingly lie or seek to mislead. But even in those cases, speech should not be repressed or censored, but instead confronted by the truth, as all lies must be so confronted.

This principle is embedded in the founding documents of the American Republic, but as the great American President understood, it must equally apply to everyone in the world, and he so declared in his famous 1941 Four Freedoms speech, which defined free speech as the right of everyone, everywhere in the world. It is also essential to another principle of the American republic, the right to the "pursuit of happiness," by which is meant the pursuit of truth and new knowledge--the felicity that comes from the discovery of truth. Happiness is derived from the knowledge that men and women are far from perfect, but that our Creator has given each of us the ability to seek a greater perfection; this quality, the ability to perfect ones greater knowledge of ourselves and the universe we live in , is what fundamentally distinguishes us from all animal species.

These principles are what we at Speir believe and will go to our death fighting for, against all who seek to repress them.

Right now, the right to free, uncensored speech in under attack around the world, as governments and corporate powers who control global media platforms, conspire to limit what people can know and discover. We have been reporting on the attack on Wikileaks found Julian Assange and more recently on NATO critics Scott Ritter and Dimitri Simes and on many other efforts to restrict free speech by Facebook, Google, and other media platforms. The Speir platform has come under enormous attack by those forces centered around Global NATO and its asserts, like the current government of Israel, who have launched repeated, sophisticated, coordinated attacks on our servers from thousands points across the globe, to try to shut down our servers. Thus far, we have been able to defeat them, and we continue to provide you with our content. But the cost to Speir has been high, both in deployment of our internal resources and it the cost of defensive systems. This cost, over the last few weeks, has run into the several score thousands, and we only expect that number to rise, as the enemies of uncensored, free speech increase their attack on us.

Our news platform will remain free to all who come here seeking knowledge. But we could use some help! What each of you can do is subscribe to Speir, which will give you access to many other programs and privileges on the Speir platform. You can click on the link below to see what these are. The price for the simple monthly subscription is a just $5.00. Join the fight for uncensored free speech and your right to know what others don't want you to know. $5.00 is a modest price to pay to help us strike a blow against those who would deny you perhaps your most important freedom. And stay tuned to Speir, as we will be announcing some important initiatives in this fight in the coming days.

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