Feed Item

May 14—Well-placed intelligence sources have expressed doubt that the angry psychotic whom NATO has anointed its puppet President in the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will survive much into June.

These sources state that leading elements of the Ukrainian military, despite Zelenskyy’s recent reshufflings in the chain of command, have decided the time has come for a negotiated settlement to their losing war with Russia, before a string of setbacks on the Eastern front and elsewhere, turns into a total rout.

“The people who are running the war realize that it was lost,” said a source. “As soon as the Russians corrected a tactical error that had caused them to under-size their initial invasion force, once the Russians started pouring in troops and increased munitions and armor, the tide could not be turned in Ukraine’s favor, no matter what type and how many weapons were sent in there by the U.S. and NATO. The situation was exacerbated when the U.S. weapons spigot slowed as spending ran into a 7-month Congressional roadblock, which was finally overcome late last month. But, despite what Ukraine’s propaganda machine says, that delay was not a determining factor in the coming defeat.

“NATO and the U.S. know that the war is a lost cause on the battlefield,” the source continued. “Yet, Ukraine is urged to continue fighting, losing soldiers at shocking casualty rates. Those figures are now in the range of 600,000 dead and many thousands wounded. The Russians are suffering as well, but at under 15% of the Ukrainian levels.”

The Russian military have been talking to their Ukrainian counterparts for months now, through back channels and, in some cases, directly. The outline of a peace deal is already on the table. But the roadblock is Zelenskyy and his puppet masters, especially in the U.S. and Britain, who are urging Ukraine to fight on—to the last Ukrainian.

“For what end?” the source asked. “To bleed the Russian economy. To force it to divert more of its resources to military production, which it has. The Russians have admitted to nearly doubling their military spending, diverting resources and manpower (labor and military personnel), to beyond the levels spent in the 1980s by the Soviet Union, as percent of the overall economy.

“Various so-called Western strategists, such as the people in the [late] Andrew Marshall’s Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, whose job is ostensibly to analyze the long-term strategic situation, see this as a way to topple [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and bring on a Russian economic collapse—just as they were able to induce the Soviets to do in the 1980s around a secret, classified SDI program that was never really funded. They were credited with collapsing the Soviet Empire without firing a shot. That gang now talks of sucking Russia further into this NATO proxy war, while threatening Russia with increased U.S. and NATO involvement, even mooting the possibility of ‘boots on the ground’ to ‘rescue Ukraine.’ Give me a break! In an election year? But talk is cheap, and as long as Ukraine keeps fighting, Russia must keep spending—nearly $2 billion a day.”

This and other sources report that some of the less corrupt of Ukraine’s military leaders (others, on NATO/U.S. payrolls, are using the huge sums of cash that are part of the so-called arms appropriations, cash that is labelled “for government operations” to pay themselves), are fed up with fighting and dying for NATO and the U.S. “to the last Ukrainian.” They are quietly planning a move against the little dictator Zelenskyy, whose elected term officially ends May 20, but who has extended his reign indefinitely under a martial law decree he issued Feb. 24, 2022, suspending the constitution and banning elections “until the war is over.”

The sources say certain military leaders would place Zelenskyy under house arrest, take control over the country, and open negotiations with the Russians for a peace deal, the outline for which, they say, has already been worked out. They would also schedule elections for a new President and a new Verkhovna Rada (legislature).

“There is widespread support for a popular peace deal,” said a source. “Russia has no desire to rule Ukraine. Russia has already assimilated the territories containing majority Russian populations that had come under attack for years by the Banderites [neo Nazis]. Ukraine will be free and neutral, not part of NATO. And the wacky planners who launched this war will have suffered a defeat that has sacrificed nearly a million lives.

“Will President Joe Biden accept this? He won’t like it, but there are also sections of his own military—the less insane people—that have wanted this over yesterday.”