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Oct. 5--—The following was released yesterday by Jose Vega, Congressional candidate, 15th CD in the Bronx, New York.

"Once to ev'ry man and nation, comes a moment to decide."

This is such a moment for the United States. Our Constitution is under a state of siege, from forces, such as those in the present

Administration, that are driving us headlong into thermonuclear war. We don't even know any longer who's giving the orders in

Washington. Biden was forced to abdicate—not resign, but abdicate—because his controllers didn't want the American people to

see that, given his condition, someone else, or some committee, is acting as President—and none of us voted for them.

There has been a coup against the American Presidency, and we don't know, nor are we allowed to know, who is in


In this crisis, we need to declare our independence from the war party. I am running for Congress in New York, as an independent candidate, along with Diane Sare, who is running as an independent candidate for the United States Senate. We call ourselves LaRouche Independents, because the physical economic policies of Lyndon LaRouche to return the U.S. war economy to a manufacturing/mining/owner-operated agricultural economy, that uses energy-intensive advanced technologies for real production, is the only way to reverse a half-century of decline, decay, and theft from 250 million Americans. We say, “Make Wealth, Not War!”

Or, we can continue to have “Brand X Biden.” What is the price of this to the American people? Look closely at the Biden Administration’s response to Hurricane Helene. In the 2005 response to Hurricane Katrina, with all its problems, we had 20,000-plus National Guardsmen, as well as Army support. This time, there are less than 7,000. Where are they? Where is the Army? In Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Poland, Romania, maybe Ukraine—but not here. So our people have died by the hundreds in the Southeast, and the toll could be well over 1,000. Is that what the Biden Administration calls “national security?”

Reporter Malcom Kyeyune wrote in UnHerd today: “Those I have spoken to in North Carolina describe a disaster of ‘biblical dimensions.’ The only thing that comes close to it in recent history is the ‘Great Flood’ of 1916 in North Carolina…. During Katrina, more than 350 military helicopters were involved with the rescue efforts. This time, in a mountain disaster zone where many more helicopters are needed than in a coastal area, well below 100 helicopters have currently been committed.” Outrageously, “A decent portion of the Tennessee National Guard, rather than helping rescue Americans in their own home state, are currently deployed to bases in Kuwait…. This means that even though the victims of Hurricane Helene have found themselves stranded within a stone’s throw of some of the U.S. military’s more significant military bases—Camp Lejeune and Fort Liberty are both located in North Carolina—very little help has been forthcoming.”

I, Jose Vega, will not be silenced in the face of this assault on the General Welfare of Americans. When I interrupted the lying “Nobel Prize-winning” economist Paul Krugman at City College of New York Tuesday night [Oct.1], I said, "Uh oh! ‘No-Ball’ prize-winning economist here to tell us how great the economy is. I certainly wonder how great the residents of Asheville, North Carolina, must be feeling right now with no access to power or water or communication with the outside world!

“I wonder how enthusiastic they are about the economy right now. I wonder how enthusiastic the residents of the South Bronx must be feeling about the economy. Hey, maybe North Carolina should name itself Israel, so it can get $20 billion in aid, or Ukraine, so it can get $300 billion in aid.

“Maybe the South Bronx should do the same thing. I’m sure the economy is great for smug liberals like yourself who make $5 million….” Maybe you heard about this—over 30 million people worldwide did. This apparently stung Krugman so much that he lied about who I was and what I said, then, he wrote an op-ed that appeared in the New York Times. I couldn’t figure out why at first, but now I think I know.

I also had said: “Hey, is anyone going to talk about the fact we could be in a war with Iran in a few days? Or do we need to focus on the S&P 500? Is that what really matters, the S&P 500, when most people may not even be alive in a few days, just because we are on the verge of nuclear war?… All that stock market money goes to the military-industrial complex so that more innocent women and children are dead!”

And that’s what they don’t want the American people to realize. We are inches away from thermonuclear war because of the addiction to murder, mayhem and money by the “War Party.” Why do you think Dick “Halliburton” Cheney, and his evil offspring Liz Cheney would endorse Kamala Harris? There’s a history going back to 2001, of contracts involving the Cheney family and the British Ministry of Defense, including its Minister of State for Defense Procurement, Baroness Symons. And we all know the British role in the Ukraine War, including Keir Starmer’s recent attempt to convince Biden to allow long-range weapons to strike into Russia, as well as Boris Johnson’s destruction of peace talks in March of 2022.

If we are even going to get to the Nov. 5 elections alive, before a nuclear war happens, either by accident, or by design, we had better shut these people down—now—by waking the American people up—now! Do what I do, and intervene!! What you do, not on Nov. 5, but between now and Nov. 5, to stop the wars, cut off the war funds, and use human and material resources to aid Americans in distress, can save the lives of our people—and people all over the world.