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Oct. 11—NATO’s sock puppet dictator of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has taken a big hit to his waning prestige, as first, U.S. President “Sleepy Joe” Biden cancelled plans to attend an “urgent” meeting of the Ukraine Contact Group scheduled for the coming weekend, citing a need to coordinate relief efforts to deal with the devastation to Florida and others areas affected by Hurricane Milton, and then, the meeting that was to take place at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, itself was cancelled, with no new date announced.

Those developments reportedly sent a frantic Zelenskyy into a rug-chewing fit that sources report included an attempt to call Biden to urge him to reconsider his decision denying authorization for the use of U.S.-built missiles to hit targets deep inside Russia’s homeland. Zelenskyy had hoped to use the Ramstein meeting to present his so-called Victory Plan to the supporters of the fight against Russia using Ukrainian bodies. The plan has been puffed up in the pro-NATO press, and by some the more insane Russophobes among the world’s misleaders, but it has been widely ridiculed by strategic analysts, because it does nothing to change the battlefield reality of a war that has turned into a rout for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and focuses primarily on what is now thought to be a non-starter proposal, rejected strongly by Biden as a dangerous provocation that could lead to a nuclear war, namely, to allow the Ukrainians, with NATO help in targeting and telemetry, to use U.S.-supplied advanced missile systems to hit targets deep in Russia.

Meanwhile, in London, where British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer met Oct. 8 with NATO’s new Secretary General Mark Rutte and Zelensky, it was announced that the British would not give Zelenskyy approval, either, to use its Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles for such attacks. This surprised some observers, who thought that the Brits might try to force Biden’s hand by giving their unilateral endorsement to this escalation against the Russians. Last month, Starmer had come to the U.S. with a list of targets deep inside Russia and proposed that Biden authorize strikes on those targets in 24 hours; Biden refused, and sources reported that Starmer had politely threatened Biden that the British would go it alone. 

Then, the following week, in late September, Biden was pressured by people in his own administration, including Secretary of State Tony Blinken and the whore for NATO and Democrat Presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, to change his position, but Biden refused and told Zelenskyy this twice, once on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, and then Sept. 26 in the Oval Office.

Rutte in London, meanwhile did his best to continue to push for escalation and offer their pupprt dictator some hope, saying that it was up to the individual nations who supplied the weapons to restrict their use, and that NATO, as a body could not interfere with this. He also, babbled, in response to questions, that he did Rutte, meanwhile did his best to continue to push for escalation, saying that it was up to the individual nations who supplied the wea not believe Putin's threats about attacking NATO, with either conventional or nuclear weapons, if the Ukraine attacked Russia with NATO-supplied weapons. But, despite such bluster, Zelenskyy's tour of NATO capitals left him with promises of support, but not the authorization to attack Russia.

“This is really coming down to the end for Zelenskyy,” said a source. “If there is no authorization to strike deep in Russia, he has nothing to divert attention from the battlefield fate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to which he had given insane orders to fight to the death and wasted lives in the failed effort to blow up the Kursk nuclear power plant, as they are being routed on all fronts, not just in the east.

“Meanwhile, strikes by the Russian Armed Forces have pretty much obliterated Ukraine’s power grid, making its suffering population to face the prospects of a long and cold winter. NATO and Ukraine’s equally absurd propaganda machine have pumped out stories that UAF is really not being routed, that they are just making a fast retreat, and are preparing, with new weapons, to launch a counteroffensive which will turn the war around.

“With what troops? The UAF lost 85,000 soldiers dead last month, including nearly all of the 15,000 terrorist support invasion force that went into the Kursk Region of Russia against the wishes of the military command. So far in October, the UAF has lost nearly 30,000 troops. Except in Kursk, the Russians are not even taking prisoners, as large numbers of Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering rather than fight. The RAF is simply disarming them and letting them return home to tell others the truth of the battlefield situation.

“At least for the moment, people in the U.S. and in Britain have taken notice of[Russian President Vladmir] Putin and other Russian spokesmen like [Foreign Minister Sergey] Lavrov’s repeated stern warnings of the possibility of nuclear consequences were NATO-backed deep conventional attacks against the Russian Federation to occur,” said the source. “These warnings have gotten people’s attention, including Biden’s and the few sane people in the British Establishment that realize the proposed attacks on Russia are a fool’s move. You have the CIA-led American intelligence community coming in on the side of sanity, with a secret report that says the war is lost, and nothing can change that. The report says that it is wrong to risk nuclear war for a lost cause—one that was really lost from the moment the Russians adjusted their force structure to commit the appropriate number of troops and weapons systems, after they had been induced to go in too light by spiked intelligence, planted by NATO.

“What sends the little puppet Zelenskyy into rug chewing fits and deep depression, given how he has lied to his people throughout the war,” the source continued, “is that he is about to be told by his elders in the military to call for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations with the Russians. Putin will try to let the Ukrainians save face, but there is no point in even bringing up the possibility of NATO membership for whatever remains of Ukraine. Any peace settlement will require the total dismantling of the nation’s internal Nazi political and military infrastructure as embodied by today’s followers of Ukrainian Nazi Stefan Bandera, in such formations as Azov. The Russians will gladly leave western Ukraine, but the Ukrainians will have to swallow the loss of the four eastern oblasts and the Crimea, and if Zelenskyy wants to stay around and alive, he will have to choke on all his silly statements about never giving up one inch of Ukrainian soil.

“So, the little puppet pleads and begs for authorization to launch the ATACMS at Russia,” concluded the source. “There may be talks about it, but I am told he will not get that release, despite the assertions he was given by NATO whore Kamala Harris. I am not sure that he can survive this politically, as inside Ukraine there is already a growing movement of desperate people who might just want to see Zelenskyy strung up. He can say what he wants, but if he is not going to negotiate with Putin, and soon, then he will wind up dead or on some NATO plane to Miami or perhaps Hollywood. When it’s over, his loyalty to the fools in NATO will have squandered more than 800,000 Ukrainian lives.”