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Oct. 8—A growing consensus among intelligence analysts who are not on Global NATO’s payroll, is that NATO’s war in Ukraine is rapidly coming to an end in a defeat for their anti-Russian proxies. Several sources who have been in touch with some key commanders of the Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF) say that they are being told that it is really no longer possible for them to wage an effective defense anywhere, following what can only be described as massive losses last month and into the first days of October.

These sources report that in September, the UAF suffered losses of over 75,000 soldiers and huge amounts of military equipment. In the first week of October, UAF losses have reached more than 25,000. These sources say that not only are these losses—on top of the more than 600,000 Ukrainian military personnel killed since the beginning of the Russian Armed Forces (RAF) invasion in February 2022—unsustainable, but the enormity of death has demoralized the dwindling number of UAF troops, resulting in their widespread refusal to fight, defying direct orders by their commanders—orders that most of these commanders give half heartedly, anyway, as they come from the criminally deluded civilian leadership in Kyiv.

That civilian leadership is headed by NATO’s sock-puppet dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who recently toured Europe and the United States seeking authority to launch advanced U.S. and British weapons systems against targets deep in Russia’s homeland—attacks which Russia’s leadership has made clear many times in many fora that they reserve the right to respond to even conventional weapons attacks with nuclear weapons, and which former Russian President and current national security official Dimitry Medvedev said could cause Russia to reduce Kyiv to “a melted spot.” Despite lunatic claims by Zelenskyy that attacks into Russia’s homeland could reverse the fortunes of the war, even his own military commanders have told him that such attacks would have zero effect on the battlefield, when Ukraine’s forces are daily being routed with large casualties.

Sources say that the RAF, in anticipation of the war rapidly coming to end in the next several weeks, with the exception of forces of Ukraine’s suicide invasion force in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, are not taking prisoners of Ukrainian soldiers who seek to surrender; they are simply being disarmed and told to go home to their loved ones. In the Kursk region, it reported that the former 15,000-strong invasion force has now been whittled down to about a 1,000—mostly the insane Nazis of the Azov Battalion and foreign mercenaries, with the rest having been either killed or taken prisoner.

“These are the hard facts of this war, not what is reported in silly NATO propaganda puff pieces about the impending Russia defeat, if only the UAF could fire the ATACMS at Russia,” said a source, who has warned for months about this being the inevitable result of the NATO-provoked war. “There will be reports, mostly leading up to the [Oct. 12] NATO Ukraine Contact group meeting at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, to give the impression that the war can still be won by NATO/Ukraine, if there is massive NATO support for Ukraine as well as giving Zelenskyy the green light—along with NATO targeting and telemetry help—to use advance U.S. supplied weapons to strike targets deep in Russia.

"Despite being nagged by that whore for NATO, the nasty bitch [Vice President and Democrat Party presidential candidate] Kamala Harris to say 'yes' to such weapon systems deployments," the source continued, "President Joe Biden will never agree. So, if you hear that he does, before or after this meeting, then you know that he has essentially been moved completely to the side of policy decision-making. U.S. intelligence, led by CIA Director William Burns, perhaps one of the few competent people left in the mess called the Biden Administration, says that the war is lost and that nothing can reverse that. Others in the intelligence community also say that there is no sign that Russian President Vladimir Putin has any plans to attack any other country beyond Ukraine; that line that he did have such intentions, was always garbage. If Zelenskyy does not get approval for deep strikes, and soon, he is finished. He will either negotiate, or someone will put a gun to his head and end his criminal dictatorship.

“The people of Ukraine want the war to end, immediately if not sooner,” the source continued. “The high command of the Ukrainian military wants the war to end. In fact, for some time, they have been in not-so-secret discussions with their Russian counterparts, and have hammered out terms that could work for both. Ukraine is not going to be in NATO.

“I saw that the bitch Harris says she will consider this [NATO membership], but even she is having some second thoughts. What a jerk! Russia is the winner here, bitch. If you can’t live with that, then you should not be running for office, much less holding office. You stupid asses [in the Biden Administration] provoked this war, which has cost your proxy, upward of a million people, dead and wounded, in a war that could have ended in March 2022, before all this carnage. You let that fat moron [British Prime Minister] Boris Johnson shred a peace treaty that would have ended the war on much more favorable terms for Ukraine. You caused all those people to die—for what? Is the world any safer now? And you, Kamala, have the nerve to privately tell Zelenskyy that if you become President, you will let him launch those missiles against Russia, when Putin has warned you of nuclear consequences.

“Fortunately, I think that Ukraine’s military may try to call the question sooner than that,” said the source. “Remember, even should Kamala win, she is not the President until Jan. 20. Joe Biden is until then, and he apparently won’t play these games. Zelenskyy has no plan to deal with what is happening on the battlefield. His so-called Victory Plan is a joke, because the Ukrainian people know the war is lost. They are worried about the approaching winter, including in Kyiv. They have good reason to worry. As a result of the war’s destruction of infrastructure, Ukraine has greatly reduced ability to produce and distribute electric and other energy supplies, compare to before the war. People will freeze, and NATO can’t do anything to help. Were there an election today, Zelenskyy would be tossed out on his ear. A dictator, whose term expired May 20, he rules under a constitutionally dubious martial law decree. Kamala may have a thing for this punk, but the Ukrainian people don’t.

“We’re rapidly approaching a point in time when the Ukrainian military simply decides, they won’t take orders from insane people any longer, and they will not fight just so that NATO can bleed the Russians, when Ukraine’s soldiers and people die, when this war can be ended. The UAF can call for a ceasefire and negotiations. Many nations can come in and set up a peace conference. Donald Trump, were he to be elected Nov. 7, could be counted on to lay out the broad terms of some deal. He says he wants to do that, and the Ukrainian people would welcome such an effort.

“The danger is that some insane factions inside NATO, and within the Anglo-American elite might decide to do something crazy,” the source concluded. “There is some talk of Ukraine launching an attack on Belarus. Really? Now, there is no way that UAF command would go for that. But what if the Nazis in the Azov brigade were unleashed for such an adventure? No! There needs to be momentum now for peace. Putin is not stupid; in fact, he is smart. He will find some way to give Ukrainians ‘peace with honor,’ as long as there is no NATO membership. The outlines of such a deal are to be found in Putin’s June 14 proposals. This needs to be gotten done, before the crazies can play their games.”