Schiller Institute’s Jason Ross Speaks with Iranians: LaRouche Oasis Plan Is the Way to Peace
May 26—In a one-hour discussion May 23, Schiller Institute science advisor and LaRouche Organization secretary-treasurer Jason Ross spoke with seven leaders of the Iran-based NGO, Organization To Defend Victims of Violence (ODVV) via internet, on the LaRouche Oasis Plan as the basis for peace in the region. ODVV’s interest in the Oasis Plan lies in how it can bring peace to the region. Ross gave them a tour d’horizon of the plan, and what will be built. He provided the “how” of its emergence: “This plan is possible because of the enormous transformation around the world,” by which he spoke of the “democratization” of international relations in the course of the “rules-based order” losing its power as more nations join the BRICS and countries of the Global South seek a new beginning.
In addition to his plan overview, Ross introduced them to Lyndon LaRouche’s idea of the uniqueness of the human individual; demonstrated that the deadliest enemy in the region is lack of access to water; pointed to the role of the British Empire’s control of conflict in the region; touched on the Peace of Westphalia principles as key to ending intractable war; pointed to the role of the BRICS in bringing about a new paradigm; pointed to a resolution between the economic vs. political approach to conflict resolution; and identified the U.S. candidacies of Diane Sare for Senate from New York State and Jose Vega for Congress from New York's 15 CD as examples of Americans standing up for justice.
The first question from the audience came from a young, ebullient woman: “When links to this plan were first shared with me, I found it so attractive that I began researching it and came to my own conclusion that it is an inclusive, comprehensive plan ...And all the neighboring countries will benefit from it. So, my question is, what are the obstacles besides the U.S., which you mentioned?”
Ross gave three key ones: 1) the historical role of the British in manipulating conflicts in the region as a means of control, to prevent land connectivity in this crossroads of the world; 2) Western countries’ resistance to infrastructure and growth in general; and 3) the notion of “scarcity,” or the environmentalist rejection of the creativity of the human mind creating new resources. Her follow-up question was to ask whether there are others, “like us,” who are interested in this, and is there any way we can support you in this effort? The best way, replied Ross, is to inject the plan into discussions everywhere. “Many people are now looking in horror at what’s happening in Gaza,” and they recognize the injustice. But, he remarked that key to breaking through the prevailing cynicism that “there will never be peace," is to “take a stand for a ‘Big Project.’ We have to have development for everybody.”
The last question has been asked many times, in many venues: Your plan is very interesting because of its economic approach, but there are those with political will who are more powerful, willing to go for it? What is your next step to justify it in order to get governments to go with it? The economic benefits are clear, but political considerations do not always represent or act for actual self-interest.
“Look at the domestic economies in the West,” answered Ross. “Energy prices are up, inflation is up, housing costs are up,” and their citizens are mistreated. He explained that the typical American, for example, is “insular,” and therefore, whenever he speaks with Americans, he tells them the world is changing and that they could be a part of that change for the better. At this point he spoke of the Senate and House candidacies of Diane Sare and Jose Vega, who stand up for a true human morality.
In closing the forum, the young woman who had asked the question about the obstacles to the Oasis Plan being realized concluded, “It is a promising plan and all countries will benefit from it. It will create more access to resources for everybody. With it we can say ‘good-bye’ to the era of war, killing, genocide, discrimination … and scarcity. If we can change minds, we can adopt a new approach.” She fulsomely thanked the Schiller Institute for its participation in the discussion.
ODVV has been focused on how the genocidal war on Gaza has shredded international human rights. In November 2023, when the onslaught had just begun, they interviewed Schiller Institute board member Harley Schlanger on the role of international law in the conflict. Since then, they have remained in dialogue with us. When the Schiller Institute's April 13 Oasis Plan conference invitation came out, they immediately posted it on their website. It was suggested that they hold a forum on the Oasis Plan with their networks. They responded, and today’s event was the first step in that process.
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