Trump Kicks Starmer in His ‘Special Relationship’
March 6—Appearing before the British House of Commons March 3, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer boasted how British diplomacy, with the help their pet poodle, French President Emmanual Macron, had helped keep the Atlantic alliance firmly behind NATO’s sock-puppet dictator of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his losing war against the “Russian hordes” of President Vladimir Putin. He bragged at how he had walked Zelenskyy back from the brink, after his arrogant and petulant behavior had gotten him thrown out of the White House Feb. 28 and sent him limping and beaten across the ocean to London, where Starmer had assembled European leaders to embrace him and continue their support for his losing war.
Starmer told the Commons that he and French President Macron had calmed the waters, especially calming the President Donald Trump down, who he assured all who would listen, was not going to retaliate against Zelenskyy’s for his behavior and allow him to contiue fighting the Russians with American arms. But the Labour Lord had totally misread the President. Trump was not going to be dictated to by a man “who has no cards to play” and was not going to tolerate Zelenskyy or anyone else, including Starmer, “gambling with World War III.”
No sooner had Starmer given his assurances that Trump would not act, then the President kicked him in his “Special Relationship” and announced that the U.S. had suspended all military aid to the Ukraine, and Trump’s team let it be known that the suspension would continue until Zelenskyy shows that he is ready to sit down with Putin, under Trump’s supervision and mediation, and work out first, a total halt to the fighting, and then a permanent end to the war, in a peace deal that the U.S. would guarantee and Europe would help supervise. (Then, Trump doubled down on this and ended all intelligence sharing with Ukraine, a move which limits its use of spohisticated weapons systems andcuts into the effectiveness of its war effort. Zelensky called the move "petty.")
The “Special Relationship,” the term used to describe the cooperation between the United States and the UK since the end of World War II on shared policy objectives and covert operations to secure those objectives, died Feb. 12, when Trump and Putin talked over a secure internet connection and discussed how they would jointly work out a plan to end the fighting in the Ukraine, without interference from NATO or the European powers, including the UK and their sock-puppet dictator in Ukraine. Zelenskyy would be brought to the table when conditions were ripe, but he would dictate nothing. The Brits were not informed in advance about this meeting, representing a total break in the unstated protocols of the special relationship.
The events of the last days reinforce the fact that the Special Relationship is a dead letter. “Trump never told Starmer that he was cutting Zelenskyy’s arms shipments,” said a source. “Sleepy Joe Biden and his crew, including NATO whore Vice President Kamala Harris, would have consulted and maybe would have been talked out of doing anything. That’s over. London and the British Empire is not a superpower like China, Russia, or the United States.
Trump intends to build a new world order of peace and prosperity based on a guarantee of peace from the nuclear superpowers, with minor powers having policy say on strategic matters, not ‘gambling with World War III’ in some new version of the RAND-created Risk board game. If the former is how Trump sees the world, then the Brits are going to pivot toward Europe, which they will not dominate as in the “good old days” of Empires, but they will orchestrate, as they were doing this weekend.”
The Brits and Macron, who had helped orchestrate the White House blowup by giving Zelenskyy some rotten advice that said he could challenge Trump, now told their sock-puppet that he needed to show contrition and told him to say he was ready for negotiations with Putin. They also got him to agree to a strange ceasefire—in the air and on the sea, but not on land where most of the killing and dying is taking place, an idea backed by the Brits and Europeans.
In his speech to a Joint Session of Congress, broadcast to the American people March 4, Trump read from a letter to him from Zelenskyy that appeared identical to an X post that said all the things the Brits and the French were telling him to say. Trump reiterated his commitment to end this war which was provoked by NATO, and the Brits and their allies in the Biden Administration, which "should never have happened," as her repeatedly says, but the President did not say he would renew the flow of American arms to Ukraine. Instead, he said that America had already given plenty, that this was Europe’s war, and that from now on they had to pay for it.
“Trump is changing the world and moving it out of the control institutions like NATO and the British Empire,” said the source. “He does not precisely know where it is going to wind up. But in his mind, it is never going to go back. Trump is committed to set up what some people call a new strategic architecture, one that does not play games of chicken risking nuclear war. He wants peace, and I have been told he has promised the ailing Pope Francis that there will be a ceasefire in Ukraine by Easter Sunday (April 20)—that’s what he wants, and he doesn’t give a damn what London or Paris wants.”