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Former Daimler Manager Argues To Repair Nord Stream, Restart Nuclear Power, Stick with Gasoline Vehicles
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Former Daimler Manager Argues To Repair Nord Stream, Restart Nuclear Power, Stick with Gasoline Vehicles

Sept. 23, 2023 (EIRNS)—Eckard Cordes, former chief of Daimler, blew the whistle on the insanity of the German government policy in an interview yesterday with the Berliner Zeitung. Germany is giving up its lead and sacrificing a key industry, even though demand for the product remains high. “The car industry is the backbone of the German economy,” says Cordes, pointing to the Germans’ lead: “We have the best know-how in the world when it comes to the internal combustion engine.” However, if there is no longer a market for internal combustion engines in Europe, plus extremely high energy costs, companies will pull out of Germany. German workers and their families will fall by the wayside. Berliner Zeitung quotes one manager saying, “It’s all bullshit the way this is going right now.”

Cordes believes that a turnaround is still possible. The situation is “not irreversible,” says the current Bilfinger supervisory board chairman. The energy issue, he says, is easy to solve: “We can ramp up our nuclear power plants within a manageable period of time. And we could also fix Nord Stream—the Russian gas is still there.” German automakers would “continue to have the capacity to produce internal combustion engines.” However, Cordes is convinced that the course must be set by the German government: “What we urgently need are political decisions that are based on reality—and not on ideological delusions.”

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