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G77 Summit Urges Reform of Global Financial Architecture, Access to Science and Technology
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G77 Summit Urges Reform of Global Financial Architecture, Access to Science and Technology

We report below the only coverage that you can unfortunately find of the important meeting of the G77_ China that just concluded in Havana.

Sept. 16, 2023 (EIRNS)—The two-day summit of the G77+China ended today in Havana with the issuance of its, “Havana Declaration on ‘Current Development Challenges: the Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation,’” which calls for the “comprehensive reform of the international financial architecture” and a “more inclusive and coordinated approach to global financial governance with greater emphasis on cooperation among countries.”

The two-day gathering included 1,300 participants from 116 countries, 31 heads of state and government, and 100 country delegations. As Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel appropriately urged member states when he opened the summit yesterday, the priority task is “to fight for the right to development, which is also the right to exist as a species.” It’s time, he said, for the nations of the Global South “to change the rules of the game.”

As the Havana Declaration repeatedly states, changing the rules of the game means that developing countries must act together for global development and “‘win-win’ cooperation for scientific and technological development.” They must have access to science, technology and innovation with all the benefits these entail: economic growth, industrial development, solving problems to guarantee clean water, sanitation, energy, combating disease and eradicating poverty. The final declaration makes this point throughout, while fiercely attacking the criminality of imposing unilateral sanctions “with extraterritorial impact and all other forms of coercive economic measures” on developing nations which have devastating results.

Coming as it did, shortly after the Aug. 22-24 Johannesburg BRICS summit and leading into next week’s UN General Assembly Debate, the G77 summit zeroed in on the “tectonic” and “epochal” changes that are taking place, expressed by many speakers. Angolan President João Lourenço warned that developing nations “won’t stand around with our arms crossed to wait for some miraculous solutions to the problems we face…. We will know how to find the solutions and strategies that will lead us to concretize our development agenda.”

South African Minister of International Relations Naledi Pandor added that “the struggle for the soul of the South and for unilateral global dominance has never been more intense and as the South, we must seize this historic moment to ensure we develop the ability to be free agents of a development agenda that will advance our battle against poverty inequality and unemployment.”

Brazilian President Lula da Silva slammed the U.S. for its “illegal” decades-long economic embargo against Cuba, as did almost every other speaker, noting that Cuba has always been one of the most important defenders of a “more just global governance.” It is urgent, he said, that developing nations remain united given that the “UN, the Bretton Woods system, and the World Trade Organization have lost credibility. We cannot allow ourselves to be divided.” Lula will be traveling from Havana directly to New York City to attend the UN General Assembly where he will continue to emphasize these themes. [crr]

China’s Li Xi at the G77: The ‘International Balance of Power Is Shifting’

Sept. 16, 2023 (EIRNS)—Li Xi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), attended the Sept. 15-16 summit of the G77 + China, held in Havana, Cuba. Speaking also as a special envoy of President Xi Jinping, he emphasized in his remarks yesterday that the world “is undergoing changes on a scale unseen in a century. Developing countries are becoming stronger. A significant shift is taking place in the international balance of power.”

Below are excerpts of his speech. The full text is available Here

“Emerging markets and developing countries have contributed as much as 80 percent of the world’s economic growth in the past 20 years, and now account for more than 40 percent of global GDP, up from 24 percent 40 years ago. South-South cooperation is playing an increasingly important role in driving the momentum of the collective rise of developing countries and in sustaining the continued global economic growth.

“At the same time, however, unilateralism and hegemonism are becoming rampant. Some countries are resorting to such practices as unilateral sanctions, erection of”fences and barriers," decoupling, and disruption of industrial and supply chains, seriously undermining the legitimate development rights and interests of developing countries and our space for development.

“During the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, last month, more than 60 developing countries sent a loud and clear message of solidarity and cooperation to the world, calling for reform of global governance to make it more just and equitable. Given such background, the Havana Summit cannot be more timely.

“China is the world’s largest developing nation and a natural member of the Global South. We are ready to work with Cuba and other G77 members to open a new chapter in South-South cooperation in quest for greater development through stronger solidarity, build a Global South community with a shared future, and usher in a new era of common development.

“On behalf of China, I wish to propose the following in respect of cooperation between the G77 and China:

“First, staying true to the original aspiration of the G77 for independence and greater collective strength through unity.

“The G77 was born nearly 60 years ago in the struggles of its members for national independence and against exploitation and oppression. Developing countries have since advocated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the Bandung Spirit, won national independence, and endeavored to safeguard world peace and promote global development.

“Now, more than ever, we need to stay true to the G77 founding mission. We must uphold the common values of humanity…. We must seek to resolve differences and disputes between countries by peaceful means. And we must join hands to maintain world peace and tranquility and foster an international environment favorable to development.

“Second, advocating equity, justice, and inclusiveness.

Over the past 60 years since its launch, the G77 has worked tirelessly to eliminate inequity and injustice….

“…We must call on the entire international community to place development front and center on the international agenda. And we must urge developed countries to deliver on their development assistance commitments.

“We must strengthen the voice and representation of developing countries in global governance based on the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

“Third, pursuing development, revitalization, and win-win cooperation.

“As a new revolution of science, technology, and industry is well underway, it is important that the G77 and China, as the mainstay of South-South cooperation, work in synergy to revitalize the global development partnership and strengthen coordination on macro policies. …

“…In mid-October, China will host the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing. We look forward to welcoming you at the Forum and to your perspective on future BRI cooperation and the way forward for greater development.” 

Originally Posted Here

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