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Sept. 25—Declarations and speeches of an unusual importance were made on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at the opening of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly Debate. (That did not include the embarrassment of President Biden’s troubled remarks.) While the threat of thermonuclear war palpably loomed over the UN proceedings, addressing that threat in its true form required a strategic upending of the “masters of war,” to seize the moral high-ground before the “collective Zelenskyy/collective Biden” show could gain traction.

On the first day on which heads of state and government addressed the UN, the “NATO narrative” was upset and outflanked. In the case of the remarks delivered by Presidents Lula of Brazil, Erdoğan of Türkiye, and Ramaphosa of South Africa, and King Abdullah II of Jordan, NATO’s “Israel” population war against the people of Palestine was clearly identified as the actual, central theater of injustice on which the world’s attention must be concentrated, and that must be immediately addressed and resolved—not the NATO/Ukraine “moral crusade against Russia.”

Integrity was shown in this moment by the several of the national leaders. Türkiye, a NATO member, knew that it was criticizing NATO’s support for the mass-murder in Gaza, when Erdoğan said, “And those who unconditionally support Israel! For how long will you continue to bear the shame of looking on this massacre, of being its accomplices?” This demonstrated that a line can be drawn, showing the clear difference between the moral as well as strategic priorities of the Global Majority, and those of NATO-world.

The “moral crusade of Ukraine” is, of course, the desired NATO “public relations” focus. The intent is to use Zelenskyy’s “Victory Plan” speech as the trigger for the United States in “finally deciding” to authorize the deployment of long-range missiles to Ukraine, which will be used to attack deep into Russia. That is the very thing that was said to be off-limits by the Biden Administration in 2022, because it would “lead to a nuclear world war with Russia.” Russia has, in fact, made it clear what its response will be if and when such a decision is made. Sane people in Germany, as seen in the recent Brandenburg state elections, want no part of the “NATO Victory Plan.”

Absurdly, such a missile deployment also stands no chance to lead to any victory by Ukraine, which does not have the soldiers; its population has gone from 52 million people in 1992, to 36 million in 2023. It has been depopulated by 30% over the last decades, and particularly since 2022. The Malthusian policy against Gaza, and the Malthusian policy in Ukraine, are the same. The Dark Age “moral outlook” of both wars is also the same. What must be contrasted to both is a different vision of humanity, and that vision, best expressed in Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Ten Principles for a New International Strategic and Development Architecture, must become manifest in rallies, demonstrations, elections and dialogues involving millions, then tens of millions, as rapidly as possible.

There is an important American intervention that may provide an additional flank for the defenders of humanity that decide to make the UN act. Two doctors, Mark Perlmutter and Feroze Sidhwa, recently returned from Gaza, are attempting to be heard by delegates at the UN, after members of the United States Congress and other American officials have ignored the surgeons’ devastating report about the Satanic nature of the war against children in Gaza. In the words of Dr. Perlmutter: “I was at Ground Zero on 9/11. I was at the earthquake the day that it hit in Haiti, and went back four more times. I was at Katrina the day that the hurricane ‘hit dirt,’ and I’ve done 40 surgical missions in austere environments on four continents. When you combine all of that experience, none of it touches what I saw in Gaza….”

Like Drs. Perlmutter and Sidhwa, the Global Majority must demand that the killing of what probably amounts to more than 200,000 Palestinians in population war—in which the target is not “Hamas,” but women of child-bearing age and their progeny, in Gaza, in the West Bank, and soon in Lebanon—be immediately stopped, by any ethical means possible.

In the case of President Erdoğan’s remarks, there was an allusion to the possible invocation of UN Resolution 377, which “resolves that if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or active aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with the view to making appropriate recommendations to members for collective measures, including, in the case of a breach of the peace or active aggression, the use of armed force if necessary, to maintain or restore, international peace and security.”

Invoking Resolution 377 would not only force the issue on Gaza. It could also up-end the practice and (im)moral pretext of the “Right to Protect” NATO doctrine, promulgated by Tony Blair in 1999 as the “end of the Treaty of Westphalia,” and which Blair and British intelligence used to start the 2003 war crime known as the Second Iraq War, which killed over a million people. A return to the 1644-48 Treaty of Westphalia, and its principle of “the benefit of the other,” is the subject of the Zepp-LaRouche “Ten Principles.” It is also the outlook that Independent candidates in New York Diane Sare and Jose Vega, in their respective U.S. Senate and Congressional campaigns, have brought to the 2024 American electoral season. The time is now for all those who believe in one humanity, to bring that one humanity to bear in the corridors of power worldwide.