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Sept. 2—Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern began his presentation for the Sept. 31 meeting of the International Peace Coalition thus: “It’s nice to be on with some people that have some semblance of sanity these days…. Elections still mean something. They still have a very determining effect on the behavior of world leaders. I’m thinking not only of the U.S. election in November, but of the elections coming in Germany … I’m told, reliably, that there a lot of Germans that don’t like Scholz’s policy with respect to Ukraine—the provision of arms, and the knee-jerk support for this new initiative, the initiative proposed by the U.S.” —actually, decreed by the U.S.—to install medium- and long-range missiles in Germany that can strike into Russia.

Indeed, as McGovern proposed, two days later, in the Sunday local elections in two states in Germany, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was projected to win 33.1% of the vote in Thuringia, placing first, beating the Christian Democrats (CDU). Next door, in Saxony, the AfD was a very close second to the CDU. Sahra Wagenknecht’s Alliance (BSW) placed third. The parties that rule nationally in Germany’s “streetlight coalition”—the Social Democrats (red), the Free Democrats (yellow), and the Greens—were trounced in the local elections. This was a clear referendum against the German government’s policies, and specifically NATO’s policies around the Ukraine war.

The International Peace Coalition meetings are, as of this moment, the only place where citizens from all nations are able to speak with and hear from those who will tell them the truth. On the basis of that, if they comprehend the message, they can then organize and intervene, to reverse our war-direction, in ways that no others are able. This IPC formation, brought into being by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, now an institutionalized weekly conference, needs to erupt into a system of such conferences. It needs to be grown by all its participants, preferably to double, week by week. Why? This is not a mechanical or idealized request, but one of immediate, “life-and-death significance.”

Let us illustrate by referencing the words of an IPC participant and interlocutor, Col. Larry Wilkerson, former chief of staff for former United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, spoken at a June 12 Emergency Press Conference, “The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped”: “The topic here, today, was nuclear weapons, and I’ll just say this, again: The most likely state owning nuclear weapons today, to use those nuclear weapons, again, is the United States. And we have put ourselves in that position, and in that posture, by our incompetence at the other skill-sets, most prominently diplomacy, necessary for the relations of nations. We are not a very competent, in any vein, of diplomacy entity any more.” This is the opposite of the narrative presently circulated in NATO land, and in the United States “Land of the Clueless,” where people prefer to believe that it is the Russians, not the United States, that is threatening thermonuclear war, when the opposite is the case.

In her Friday IPC presentation, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, near the beginning of her presentation, referenced “an article in the New York Times published on Aug. 20, where they wrote that, already in March, President Biden signed on to modification of the U.S. nuclear doctrine. While it is a top-secret doctrine, no electronic copies supposedly exist, only very few printed ones for very classified people, nevertheless, it talks about the U.S. preparing to fight a nuclear war on three fronts against Russia, China, and North Korea…. However, there is absolutely nothing new in it: The only new about it is that this has now reached the public domain.” Subscribe to Executive Intelligence Review and the EIR Daily Alert, so you are not caught below the level of events. We do not deal in information—we deal in intelligence, and there is a big difference.

But has it reached you? Are you acting upon the realization that this country, your country, is attempting to provoke thermonuclear war with a Russia that has made it clear that, under certain conditions, they will launch all their nuclear weapons? Is it clear that, with shorter and shorter warning times, that a false identification of an incoming attack could mean that the entire human race could be eliminated by a mistake? The Ten Principles for a New International Strategic and Development Architecture provides not only the solution, but also the mind-set that is required to face and determine this moment of crisis, perhaps the most dangerous moment in all of history, from which none of us is permitted to walk away.

This is, as former UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector, U.S. Marine intelligence officer, journalist and IPC participant Scott Ritter has said, the only item on the agenda. “September is way more important than November.” In a Friday interview, he said, “This is a very dangerous escalation, one that could rapidly create the conditions conducive for, not limited nuclear conflict, but a general nuclear war, a global-ending global disaster, the destruction of the U.S., the destruction of Russia, the destruction of Europe, the destruction of the world. Why? Because the U.S. and NATO will not be honest about the state of affairs in Ukraine today.”

Nothing else matters, if thermonuclear war initiated by NATO and London’s lackey, the United States, is not stopped. And though demonstrations are happening on Saturday, Sept. 28 in Washington and in Upstate New York, right now we need interviews, leaflets, messaging of any and all sorts. We need that 100 million people in the United States, at least, come to the realization that their country is at the forefront of not only provoking, but also initiating thermonuclear war, and that it is therefore each citizen’s responsibility, no matter from what nation, to stop the world from being destroyed by a secret government calling itself “the rules-based order,” “NATO,” “Project Democracy,” or other names. We, as citizens of our nations, and of the world, must take counsel of our Reason, and not of our fears.