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Sept. 6—Today's meeting of the International Peace Coalition will expose to the people of the world, through the words and interventions of the participating international experts and former members of the American military and intelligence establishment, that it is the United States and Great Britain, not Russia, China, or anyone else, who would both provoke and initiate thermonuclear war. In the words of Col. Larry Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell and IPC meeting participant: “The most likely state owning nuclear weapons today, to use those nuclear weapons, again, is the United States. And we have put ourselves in that position, and in that posture, by our incompetence at the other skill-sets, most prominently diplomacy, necessary for the relations of nations.”

Therefore, it is incumbent upon all thinking citizens to come to terms with the fact, that the primary concern, above all other concerns—even the most pressing economic concerns—is to find a way to prevent NATO, and the “secret government” now running the United States Presidency and the Congress, from going through with their mad war scheme, as seen in the ongoing military incursion into Russia.

The deaths of perhaps as many as 600 people, including several, possibly scores of NATO personnel Sept. 3 at the Poltava Institute of Military Communications in Ukraine has grimly lifted the veil on the truth of who is actually fighting, and dying, in the “Ukraine” war. Two Kinzhal hypersonic missiles—Kinzhal is Russian for “dagger” —found their target. Among those killed were an undisclosed number of Swedish military advisors, specialists and trainers said to be nearly irreplaceable. Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom resigned almost immediately following the news.

Who are the strategic geniuses that have placed the world on the brink of self-destruction, as though “world conflict” were a video-game?

Whoever they are, know this: Thermonuclear war will come to those that pursue it, and those whom they govern, in the same way that those Kinzhal missiles arrived at their Poltava targets—swiftly, ruthlessly, giving only enough warning to allow the recipients to become momentarily terrified before the flash of light that will signal “game over,” and their end. Therefore, “the only item on the agenda” is taking back our governments, today, from the daft usurpers steering us into Hell. We must expose them and their intentions, “and by opposing, end them.”

Who, for example, are the “brain police” behind Biden’s still-unpublished “Nuclear Engagement Guidance,” issued (secretly) in March of this year, which proposes that the United States will engage in a three-front thermonuclear exchange against the Russian Federation, China and North Korea? Is it an “interagency,” that is, a disavowable combine of undersecretaries of State, Defense, etc., and deputy assistants of various departments, such as the National Security Council, “spanning several levels of government,” holding “authorized” rump meetings supervised by Dick Cheney or Susan Rice types, that snarl and sneer as they “really run things”? Are we now in the age of the “post-President Presidency”?

Are we, for example to actually believe that it was the non compos mentis Sleepy Joe Biden, that issued, on July 29, “after deep thought,” the following amendment to the U.S.-Britain Mutual Defense Agreement of 1958? “The Amendment removes the expiration date of certain provisions of the 1958 Agreement that permit the transfer of certain equipment and material between the United States and the United Kingdom, to enable broad and enduring cooperation and make all provisions of the 1958 Agreement indefinite in duration. [emphasis added.] The Amendment also clarifies that Article II(A) of the 1958 Agreement provides for the exchange of atomic information and other related classified information … sensitive nuclear technology, and controlled nuclear information, as is jointly determined to be necessary for the development of defense plans….”

Yes, Joe Biden probably signed this—but do you believe he actually thought about it? And why would an agreement between Britain and the U.S. concluded in 1958, and regularly reviewed over 66 years, suddenly require to be made “indefinite,” i.e., permanent? “It’s good news for the U.K. that it doesn’t need to worry about a future U.S. administration using a future renewal as leverage,” said British operative Malcolm Chalmers, the deputy director of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI,) and also the co-author of the 2013 RUSI document, “The Future of the U.K.’s Cooperative Nuclear Relationships,” which says, “It is important to note that these relationships are not dictated, purely by financial considerations; rather, they are also sensitive to a number of doctrinal, political and technical dynamics.”

Are the British seeking direct access to the deployment of American thermonuclear weapons? Do they already have it? Would anyone tell the American people, if they did? Consider former  Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s words, speaking at Chatham House, “The British were so matter-of-factly helpful that they became a participant in internal American deliberations, to a degree probably never before practiced between sovereign nations.” Is this cooperation, or treason?

But why would the Anglosphere want to go to thermonuclear war? Well, how does the Anglo-American imperial mind right now view the ongoing cooperation “to a degree probably never before practiced between sovereign nations” between Russia and China, each of whose leaders has just delivered a major keynote speech to tens of nations? 

In the case of Chinese President Xi Jinping, there is his keynote Sept. 5 at the opening session of the Forum On China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC): “Joining Hands To Advance Modernization and Build a Community with a Shared Future.” The Heads of State, Government and delegation of China and 53 African countries and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission were present, according to China’s Foreign Ministry. 

Meanwhile, there were representatives of 75 nations present at the Eastern Economic Forum just addressed Sept. 5 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

The commitment to economic growth with justice, to technological development simultaneous with eradicating poverty and disease, to space-based research and cooperation involving all nations and all people discussed among the participants radiated the optimism that was once present in the now-failed states of the trans-Atlantic nations.

What kind of new world does that represent? A world that cannot afford colonialism, or drug addiction, or enforced backwardness, and that believes more people are not only good, but necessary. That world is congruent with that described by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Ten Principles for a New International Security and Development Architecture. Would the promise of that new world cause the predators of the Anglo-American empire, who are an entity different from the people of the United States, or of England, Scotland or Wales, who are also its victims, and who are $2 quadrillion in debt, to risk blowing up the planet, rather than lose their mythical “rulership” of it?

Sometimes those who have served the predators, revolt. When he saw the move to threaten China with war over Taiwan in 2021, the late Daniel Ellsberg, author of The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War-Planner, posted online classified documents originally copied in the 1970s that showed that “U.S. military planners pushed for nuclear strikes on mainland China in 1958 to protect Taiwan from an invasion by Communist forces,” according the CBS News in a 2021 interview.  Ellsberg also told CBS News reporter Michelle Miller that “I was part of a plan that should never have been made, that was a crime against humanity...The plan was to hit every city in the Soviet Union, and every city in China. There was no plan for fighting Soviets that did not also involve annihilating the Chinese population. The result was a readiness to annihilate 600 million people—a hundred Holocausts. When I say crime against humanity, it was actually a crime against the existence of the human species.” Reporter Miller involuntarily exclaimed, “This is The End of Days, and that was the plan?!?” to which Ellsberg responded, “Yes.”

Does the 1958 Britain-U.S. Mutual Defense Agreement, and the “Biden” amendment to now make it permanent, reflect anything different than that hundred Holocausts about which Ellsberg warned before his death? Now is the time for all diplomatic, military, intelligence and academic layers to find the courage that several of the International Peace Coalition’s participants have, and act in time in the defense and interest of their nations, and the world.