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Scott Ritter Exposes How Intelligence Agencies Deploy To Crush Opposition

Scott Ritter Exposes How Intelligence Agencies Deploy To Crush Opposition

Aug. 10, 2023 (EIRNS)—Scott Ritter’s August 8 article, “Gonzalo Lira, the SBU, and Information Operations: An Investigation of the Probable,” provides important lessons in how MI6, the CIA, and other Western intelligence agencies run their “information” operations to break individuals, divide groups, and crush any opposition to the anti-human war policies of the so-called “West.” The specific case he cites is that of “alternative journalist” Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine, who was arrested by the Ukrainian secret services, and somehow was released and is continuing to operate seemingly as before inside Ukraine. Ritter argues credibly that Lira is now a controlled asset of his captors.

Ritter’s full article is highly recommended reading: ‍

Ritter uses the assigned mission and MO of Ukraine’s U.S.-backed Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) as a warning to those opposing the system that they must understand that they are operating on a battlefield of "a war of words, of ideas… an information war….

“Bluntly stated: if you are a US citizen who holds a position counter to the official US government/Ukrainian narrative regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, you are being treated as a hostile combatant in the information war that has sprung up around this conflict, regardless of your constitutionally protected right to free speech.

“And if you’re not American, you’re free game.”

Ritter cites his own personal experience with information warfare operations run to destroy opponents and organizations when he was a weapons inspector. One case given is that of the unit of the UK intelligence, security, and cyber agency, GCHQ, named the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG). He explains: "Within the JTRIG is a more specialized team known as the Human Science Operations Cell, or HSOC. One of the mission statements of the JTRIG is to use ‘online techniques’ to ‘make something happen in the real world.’ This is done through the conduct of targeted information operations designed to influence and/or disrupt the target, something known in the ‘business’ as ‘effect operations.’…

“… The best example of how this is done, and for what purpose, can be found in one of the JTRIG training slides. One of the best ‘events’ that a side conducting information operations can arrange is to have opposing groups engage in self-destructive behavior. To accomplish this, [Ukraine’s Security Service] the SBU would need to be able to identify the factors that push a group together, and those which pull a group apart. Then the SBU would need to create tension by setting members against members using fracture points in the structure of the group that had been identified during the intelligence collection phase of the effort.”

Ritter uses an official intelligence agency schematic titled “Identifying and Exploiting Fracture Points” to illustrate the method used for such operations. One side of the diagram cites “Things that push a group together;” on the opposing side are "Things that pull a group apart: Personal power, Pre-existing cleavages, and Competition, ideological differences.

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