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Uniting the Global Majority: Crafting a New Chapter in World History Through Collective Action!

Embracing a New Epoch: The Unfolding Global Transformation

In a turn of events that resonates across the ages, the world is witnessing the gradual dissolution of a paradigm that has spanned centuries. The age of colonialism, which took root in the 16th Century and persisted for nearly 600 years, is now giving way to a new era of empowerment and sovereignty for the countries comprising the Global South. This momentous shift signifies the emergence of a world order where the shackles of colonial suppression are gradually loosening, paving the way for an equitable distribution of resources, fair trade conditions, and financial autonomy.

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These winds of change have been long anticipated and advocated for by visionaries such as Lyndon LaRouche, who, for decades, articulated the essential concepts and policies in physical economy required to expedite this transition. The countries of the Global South, encompassing the majority of the world's population, are asserting their rightful claim to their resources and are determined to elevate their societies into the realm of middle-income status through the avenues of high-technology industrialization and value-added production.

An unmistakable indicator of this global realignment is the upcoming summit of the BRICS nations, scheduled for August 22-24. As evidenced by the significant number of formal and informal applications for membership, a tectonic shift in the geopolitical landscape is underway. Rather than perceiving this transformation as a threat, the nations of the Global North, Europe, and the United States included, are presented with an opportunity to embrace cooperative endeavors. The notion of "decoupling" from or "de-risking" with China, the Global South's predominant trading partner, carries the potential for dire consequences, especially for Europe already grappling with deindustrialization.

The stakes escalate further when considering the global geopolitical posture. The West's choice between nurturing collaboration or pursuing a policy of confrontation with Russia and China has reverberations that could escalate existing conflicts into the realm of a third, potentially thermonuclear, world war. The fact that the prevailing order has yet to alleviate poverty, hunger, and underdevelopment for billions in the developing world is underscored by the heartrending migrant crisis. Instead of deploying inhumane methods to curb the influx of individuals at national borders, an alternative beckons: partnering with emerging nations, notably China, to facilitate industrialization in the Global South.

The crux of this juncture rests in the decision we collectively make. Our path forward will inexorably steer us toward either a world consumed by the flames of war and human annihilation or a world enriched by its humanity, scripting a chapter of renewed promise in human history.

In this pivotal moment, there is a pressing need to establish an international framework that prioritizes the interests of every nation. The warring factions of the Thirty Years War forged the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, recognizing that victory held no value in the absence of survival. Today, our wisdom must match that of history, steering us towards enlightened cooperation.

Cultivating the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage, particularly the realms of classical art, can serve as a catalyst for progress. Through artistic expression, we can reinforce the belief in human creativity and chart a course towards enduring global harmony.

A Date for Transformation: September 9, 2023

As the world stands on the precipice of transformative change, a date beckons us to gather and deliberate. On Saturday, September 9, 2023, an event will take place at, offering a platform for dialogue, insight, and unity. Let this be the rallying point for minds and hearts to coalesce in the pursuit of a more promising future.

Together, let us embrace this epochal transition, fostering an era defined not by division and destruction, but by unity and creation.

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