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Secret Dem Polling Shows Noone Beats Trump—So How Does the Establishment Deal with Him?

Jan. 21—Recent private polling in key battleground states taken on behalf of the Democratic National Committee shows that no potential Democratic candidate, including several not in the current field such as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer or California Governor Gavin Newsome, has a chance to beat former President Donald Trump, the GOP front-runner, in the November election. The poll also indicates that should President Joe Biden be renominated, no matter who his vice-presidential running mate is,  he would lose in a landslide "of Alf Landon proportions," according to sources, referring to the crushing defeat of the 1936 GOP nominee by incumbent Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

"This can't be good news for the Democrats,'' said a source, but it should not be surprising. "They have spent nearly eight years organizing attacks, impeachments,  court cases and accusing him of every crime in the book practically, except trying to steal the Liberty Bell- and they may try that soon. They stupidly thought that this would make him unelectable. But they misread the American population. All it did was make him the ultimate outsider—the man the political establishment and their media wonks hate the most. So, they made this billionaire the ultimate outsider—the anti-establishment candidate. The American people hate the establishment, which miserably failed them, wrecked the economy and their future,  put us on the losing side in no-win wars like in Ukraine, and now with Biden's open support for genocide conducted by the Israelis, they have spit in the face of the families of veterans who fought the Nazis in WW II.

"Trump has a had core base of support of about 35-40% of the population, who freaking love the guy,'' the source continued. "But what builds a landslide is what I call the anti-establishment vote, people who want to stick to Wall Street and Washington insiders, and their talking heads. All this talk about finding a "stop Trump" candidate mobilizes a segment of the population that most people simply hate, for their "liberal" elitism. They have helped create their own worst nightmare. It serves them right."

But, the source said. "I know how this really works. The elite use electoral politics as their little game. They feed the masses candidates who they think are acceptable, who will play by the rules of this game, and do what the establishment demands. They have always feared Trump, not for what he actually does, but what he might do, if he could ever hook onto a program that might actually challenge the establishment, he could mobilize people behind it. So, they try to play games with him, to keep him in their game—like with the border.  What if he proposed some big projects in the west or rebuilding our cities, and said, okay, we could use people who want to work, and let people come help.  And what if he also proposed thst we, with our know-how, help really build up the countries they come from, with agriculture, industrial development, and jobs Like what the Chinese propose and do. We say, we will help you, and work with the Chinese. Then people have a reason to stay put. Is this possible? With Trump anything is possible, if not likely."

But when the establishment finds someone who defeats their efforts to defeat him or her, the source continued. "Then they will consider other means to stop him.  That's when they use bullets, not ballots. There are no doubt. as we speak, some people who are working on a plan or even plans to bump off Trump. This must be treated seriously. I am hopeful that Trump realizes this and takes precautions."

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