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State Dept. Okays U.S. Weapons for Ukrainian Nazis

June 15—The Washington Post reported June 10 that the U.S. State Department has given the green light for U.S. weapons to be provided, without restriction, to the notorious Azov Brigade, which is now supposedly operating under Ukrainian military command. The Azov Brigade is an openly pro-Nazi militia known for its savagery and brutality, especially against Russian-speaking Ukrainians,

Up until now, supplying U.S. weapons to the then Azov Battalion was supposedly banned, as U.S. officials had determined that “some” of Azov’s officers espoused racist, xenophobic, and ultranationalist views, and UN human rights officials had accused the group of humanitarian violations.

The alleged ban and the State Department’s “finding” of changed circumstance is laughable nonsense, intelligence sources report. Azov is an openly Nazi formation, whose leaders admit to being followers of the pro-Hitler Stefan Bandera, whose units fought alongside the Nazis during World War II against the Red Army in Ukraine; these sources also claim that the current unit, whose numbers at the start of the current war were in the ten-thousand range, is modelled on the Nazi Waffen SS units that carried out atrocities, including against Ukrainians.

The State Department omitted the fairly well known fact that former State Department official Victoria Nuland, sometimes referred to as the “Queen of the Ukraine,” openly solicited help from these Nazis in carrying out her Maidan coup against the duly elected pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. Sources report that these Nazis were supplied with U.S. weapons at that time, and were paid handsomely for their services. “The paystubs can be found somewhere,” said a source, disgusted by this latest evidence of the insane incompetence of State. “When ‘Sleepy Joe’ [Biden] was more awake and cognizant, he was aware of this support, just as he was also quite aware that Azov received covert funding from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, the same outfit that paid both his drug addict son [Hunter] and himself.

“Despite the alleged ‘ban,’ Azov has continued to get support from the U.S. and the corrupt funding outlets of the gangsters that run the current government in Kyiv,’ the source continued. “And they have been receiving U.S. weapons. So this report that they are no longer filthy Nazis, while being a lie, merely whitewashes what has been going on without acknowledgement.”

Azov is not part of the Ukrainian army but operates as a territorial police unit, similar to the National Guard. Azov and similar militias therefore have a military cover, but keep their own commanders and command structure. And they are still Bandera-ites, even if this is played down slightly. They still sport their swastikas, which apparently the pro-Nazis in the State Department can’t see.

“After thorough review, Ukraine’s 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade passed Leahy vetting as carried out by the U.S. Department of State,” the Department said in a statement, referring to the “Leahy Law” that prevents U.S. military assistance from going to foreign units credibly found to have committed major human rights violations. It is named for former Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT), who wrote the legislation.

The State Department found “no evidence” of such violations, its statement says.

On Sept. 27, 2023, Azov fighters desecrated the halls of the U.S. Congress, when they were hosted as part of a national tour (during which they sold Nazi insignia and other paraphernalia) by the Congressional leadership, including Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and other members of Congress in both parties. The office of war hawk Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who has pushed through billions of dollars for weapons and other support for the pro-Nazi government in Kyiv, claimed that he held no public meetings with Azov.

While the Ukraine War lobby in Congress and in State are apparently blind when it comes to seeing Nazis, Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t. He cited the operations of Azov and other Nazi militias against Russian-speaking citizens of the Ukraine as one of the reasons for the Special Military Operation launched Feb. 22, 2023. Since that time, the Russians have hammered Azov and degraded it, killing thousands of its pro-Nazi fighters.

By pouring into Kyiv ever new stocks of U.S. weapons and laundered U.S. funds, a desperate Department of State seems to want Azov to recruit ever more Nazis for terror operations and suicide fighting to throw against the Russians, similar to the way Hitler used what remained of the Waffen SS units in the last days of his losing war.

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