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As U.S. War Narrative Falls Apart, Biden Administration Clamps Down on Russian Media

Sept. 6—With the latest Russian strikes in Ukraine literally breaking the back of potential reinforcements to the steady push of Russian forces in the Donbass region, and the gradual extermination of Ukrainian forces locked into the Kursk salient, the U.S. government is forced to further prevent any elements of reality from “penetrating the U.S. media perimeter.”

On Sept. 4, the U.S. Department of State and Department of Justice designated the Rossiya Segodnya group and five of its subsidiaries—RIA Novosti, RT, TV-Novosti, Ruptly, and Sputnik—as Foreign Missions, using the old line of their trying to influence the U.S. election. This includes steps to impose visa restrictions, and release of a Rewards for Justice (RFJ) reward offer of up to $10 million relating to information pertaining to foreign interference in a U.S. election. The U.S. Treasury also banned the transfer without permission of telecommunications data to Channel One, Russia-1, and NTV, a total of 10 individuals and two legal entities.

Anatoly Antonov, the Russian Ambassador to the United States, reacted swiftly to this latest atrocity. “The task is clear—to ‘cleanse’ the information space from”inconvenient" truth. To thicken the atmosphere of Russophobia, blaming one’s own failure on an external factor. This time, the Rossiya Segodnya media group and its subsidiaries have been chosen as a target," Antonov said.

“The feeling is that the Democrats want to shift some of the blame for their mistakes during the electoral struggle onto Russia. To justify their actions, they are using lies, trying to discredit the Russian media, which provide a small ‘sip’ of the real truth about true American politics.” .

He went on: “In essence, officials are giving additional impetus to the aggressive phase of the ‘witch hunt’ against dissent. Previous examples of this reckless course are the recent FBI raids on the homes of American political scientists Dimitri Simes and Scott Ritter, as well as the searches that took place today in the apartments of Russians who work in the United States.”

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova released a statement, saying among other things that: “The latest round of this witch-hunting campaign is rooted in a desire to push society into permanent stress, infect it with artificial phobias, create an image of a hidden enemy, assigning this role to Russia. We know that the United States has the technologies for this and has used them many times before, with disturbing side effects and consequences. The main task of the current administration is to scare the Americans with a ‘Russian threat’ and to create a semblance of active work ahead of the elections.”

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