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Biden Set to Reject Zelenskyy Request to Unleash U.S. Weapons on Russia

Sept. 26—When the two meet at the White House later today, President “Sleepy Joe” Biden is expected to reject the request from NATO’s sock-puppet Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy for permission to use U.S. provided long-range missile systems, such as ATACMS, to strike deep into the Russian homeland—something that Russian leaders, including President Vladimir Putin, have said they would consider an attack by NATO, and that a state of war would then exist between Russia and NATO.

The use of the ATACMS and British-supplied Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles to hit Russian targets, including Moscow, is part of the absurd NATO-drafted Zelenskyy’s “victory plan” that he claims would force Russia to the negotiating table, where Russia is somehow expected to give back the parts of the Ukraine that have already been incorporated into the Russian Federation—something Putin has said he will never do.

Instead, in front of bi-annual meeting of the Permanent Conference of the Russian Security Council on Nuclear Deterrence, Putin yesterday announced a proposed change in Russian nuclear doctrine that would allow for a Russian nuclear response to such attacks. Putin has stated that despite Zelenskyy’s bravado, he knows that such missile systems can only be targeted, programmed, and operated by NATO. Therefore, any response by Russia, conventional or nuclear, would not be limited to Ukraine, or even to NATO bases in Europe.

Last week, Biden angrily rejected the same request for permission to use U.S. supplied missiles against targets deep in Russian territory, coming this time from the mouth of British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer. Biden reportedly told Starmer that he was “not about to risk a nuclear war for those bastards [the Ukrainians]. It remains unclear whether the British will go it alone and unleash Storm Shadows on deep Russian targets.

At a news conference for international reporters in New York, Sept. 24, White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby said: “The President has been consistent that our policy is that long range strike capabilities provided by the U.S. are not to be used against targets in Russia. He has not made a policy change on that. He’s still in the same place. That’s the guidance that we have provided to Ukraine. We understand that they have asked for that to be changed. I’m sure the issue will come up. But he [Biden] has not changed his view that the use of U.S. weapons, long range weapons, against targets in Russia, is prohibited.”

The British are the main source of propaganda about how Ukraine is “winning” its war against Russia, and how Putin is clearly bluffing on his threats to wage war nuclear against NATO, should there be any further provocations, like the NATO-inspired Ukrainian invasion of Kursk, which invasion force is reportedly on the edge of total annihilation, with a loss of more than 10,000 Ukrainian troops. The Russians have correctly characterized the invasion as a terrorist operation, which is using Waffen SS-type mobile terror squads to attack and kill civilians and in a failed effort to take over the Kursk Nuclear Power plant. Putin and other Russian officials have also made it clear that they regard NATO strikes into Russia, even nominally under the Ukrainian flag, as a provocation that will require retaliation.

Earlier this week, much of the Western press featured fanciful articles, citing British military intelligence sources claiming that Russia was losing more than 1,000 troops killed every day on Ukraine’s battlefields, which then led to calculations on how long Putin could hold out at this casualty rate, and concluding that the war might indeed end soon on terms far more favorable to Ukraine than previously expected. These reports generally cite other British military dissemblers to claim that the threat and possible use of advanced western missile systems would speed an end to the war.

“These claims are absurd,” said a source with military and intelligence contacts. “The casualty claims were immediately countered by Russian military spokesmen who reported that it was in fact Ukraine that was suffering enormous casualties, providing details on how the already-beleaguered Ukrainian Armed Forces lost 2,000 troops in a single day last week. (The British military intelligence assessment claimed that Russia has lost 400,000 troops since the start of the “Special Military Operation” Feb. 23, 2022, with Ukraine losing only 80,000. Reality, however, puts Ukrainian losses north of 700,000). No sensible analyst believes a word that comes from the British. The on-the-ground battlefield situation tells a different story: the war is already lost and no deployment of any weapons systems or attacks on Russia can reverse this. A proper assessment would estimate that Ukraine, suffering a continuing enormous loss of life and military equipment, can likely last no more than a month or so.”

That reality frames the talks between Biden and the ever-more-desperate Ukrainian dictator. There is clearly a battle going on behind the scenes in the U.S. Administration over giving the okay to use the advanced systems. “The way to look at this,” said the source, “is that it is between the NATO assets and those slightly saner people who don’t want a nuclear war with Russia over a lost cause.

"Yesterday, the Washington Post made a mess of this, as they usually do," the source continued, "because they don’t want to talk against NATO or the Brits who are NATO’s biggest loudmouths. It is not just [the] State [Department], which is pro-NATO, and the DoD [Department of Defense] which is against giving the okay. For example, it is the civilian leadership of DoD, such as [Secretary] Lloyd Austin, who are against, but the military people, including the Joint Chiefs are split on the matter. And then there is that whore for NATO, [Vice President] Kamala Harris, who is over the top for NATO and for Zelenskyy and who will be at the White House meeting.

But what the Post either ignored or perhaps does not know about, is that there was a secret assessment done under the direction of CIA Director William Burns which concluded that the war is hopelessly lost, and that the U.S. must not escalate things by authorizing the use of advanced weapons on the Russians. The assessment recommended continuing with giving military and other aid, but using the aid as a way to prod Zelenskyy to negotiate and give up the fantasy of getting any of the lost territory—now part of Russia—returned to Ukraine. (When the Post writes that the U.S military does not believe that the benefits outweigh the risks involved in giving the okay to use the ATACMS for deep strikes, they are in effect referring to the intelligence assessment which the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) participated in.)

The President has seen or at least been briefed on this report, sources report and there is hope among all sane people that it will inform his actions

This and other sources are expecting Biden will continue to promise additional military aid and might announce something about this at the meeting. It is also expected that Biden will continue to give support for Zelenskyy in on-going behind-the-scenes power struggles, provided he seeks reasonable direct negotiations with Russia. Sources report that this endorsement was actually the number one item on Zelenskyy’s agenda for this trip, since he already realized that Biden’s approval for use of the ATACMS was a long-shot—at best.

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