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Expect More Hits on Trump After 2nd Failed Assassination Attempt

Sept. 18—Finally, on orders from President “Sleepy Joe” Biden, the Secret Service has ramped up protection for former President Donald Trump, following a second failed assassination attempt Sept. 15 on his life as he was playing golf at the private Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. The alleged assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, ran away without firing a shot from his assault rifle, after a Secret Service agent noticed the barrel of his rifle poking through a fence more than 600 feet from the former President, and fired on the would-be assassin. Routh was later tracked down, and arrested in his car without a struggle, when it was stopped by police on the Interstate. Routh has so far been charged with two counts, both related to his possession of the rifle; more charges, relating to his attempt to kill Trump are expected to be filed.

Sources say the former President and GOP candidate remains in the crosshairs of Global NATO, especially as he and campaign spokesmen and prominent individuals who are supporting his candidacy such as former Presidential candidates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, continue to expose NATO’s efforts, through the Biden-Harris Administration and the British, to turn NATO’s losing war in Ukraine into a likely nuclear confrontation with Russia.

“NATO cannot abide a Trump presidency,” said a source. “Months before the first attempt on Trump’s life at the July 13 outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, we had said there would be a hit on Trump. We still don’t have the real story of what went on there, as the FBI and Secret Service attempt to cover up what happened, for different reasons. That kid [Thomas Matthew Crooks] was not the assassin. He was a patsy, much as Lee Harvey Oswald [the alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy], whose purpose was to divert attention from more professional hitmen, which this poor kid was not.

Where is the second shooter on July 13, the one who would have killed Trump had he not turned the wrong way? He got away in the confusion that surrounded the killing of the kid, by Secret Service snipers. That’s what I think, and so do several other professionals, who know how these things work. But the FBI has already ruled out a second shooter, even though there is forensic evidence that a second gun was involved in that attempt, Meanwhile, the focus is on the Secret Service and its many screw-ups. The July 13 attempt was a professional operation, which involved complicity from various U.S. government agencies, and the likely use of the international assassination bureau that NATO deploys.

“This operation, the one on Sept. 15 at the golf course, at least on the surface appears to be something different,” the source continued. “This was not a professional operation, based on what we have seen that has so far come to light. From all indications, this guy Routh is a whack job. Highly delusional. He had a weapon, but there is no indication that he knew how to use it for an assassination at a distance. If this was a real hit, then there would have to be a second shooter, located somewhere with a better line of sight. There would be no way that the Secret Service, with its deployment profile, could have ever found that shooter. It did not even pick up that Routh was on site, when he appears to have been at the same position, with his weapon, for more than 11 hours.

“Now, don’t get me wrong,” said the source. “Just because Routh is a whack job and delusional, doesn’t mean that he couldn’t be part of a hit. These types are precisely the kinds of people who are recruited to be used as a form of Manchurian Candidate [a reference to a famous movie about a brainwashed, time-bomb-like assassin who is triggered by his handler) or similar types, who are used in larger operations. Routh may think he is a lone assassin, but somebody is handling him—the question is who and for what purpose, in this case?”

Almost at the instant Routh was arrested, his connections to Ukraine became published. He had gone to Ukraine, fully committed to fight the Russians, but was rejected in his effort to join Ukraine’s so called Foreign Legion (which while containing volunteers, also includes mercenaries and criminals for hire, as well as, according to reports, NATO military personnel, who are then deployed to work with other Ukrainian units). He then attempted some hair-brained scheme to recruit Afghan anti-Russian fighters (formerly paid by the U.S., of which Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda organization is the most prominent example) of which nothing came. He returned to the U.S. discouraged but still committed to NATO’s anti-Russian war in Ukraine. He penned an almost unreadable e-book, titled Unwinnable War: The Fatal Flaw of Democracy, World Abandonment and the Global Citizen—Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea and he end of Humanity, in which he says he would like to see Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin assassinated, stating that he had once supported Trump but was betrayed by, among other things, Trump’s lack of support for Ukraine. He also says that the U.S. needs to “instigate” a nuclear war with Russia.

In commentary to Sputnik on Sept. 16, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson pointed out that the Ukraine connection of Routh, the would-be assassin of former President Donald Trump, must not be hidden. Without naming it explicitly, he refers to a “death list,”—the hit list put together by Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), established in the office of the Kyiv Presidency and funded by the U.S. State Department. That list includes the names of many Americans. Johnson mentions Scott Ritter, former UN Special Commission Weapons Inspector, and Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.) as likely targets.

“It’s not out of line for them to have done this,” that is, trying to assassinate Trump, Johnson said. “It’s very strange,” he said, “that Routh had access to President Trump’s whereabouts, since the former President’s schedule isn’t made public. Who leaked that to him? … Was there somebody on the Trump team that told him? Was there somebody inside the Secret Service who told him? Was it a foreign intelligence service? Was it Ukrainian intelligence that alerted? That has to be investigated.” “While I agree with Macgregor’s assessment that Routh’s Ukraine connection should not be ignored,” said the source, “he is missing something. Routh’s connections to Ukraine have been all over the media. They would have eventually to come out sooner or later. Routh’s Ukraine connection has already had an effect on support coming from Ukraine, as the Ukrainians themselves are admitting and are trying to distance themselves from Routh.”

“I don’t think the Ukrainians deployed Routh,” said the source. “Nor, even the people inside the government and NATO. What if somehow this guy were deployed by the other side? Not necessarily good people, but people who want to end the war, and create a narrative that helps that. There are such people and there is an ongoing battle in policy circles over whether to let the whole Ukraine adventure collapse, as it will on its own anyway. The war, after all, is lost, which is why some really crazy people want to allow this thing to go to direct war with Russia. What if the people who oppose such a scenario deployed this character Routh? It’s something to consider. And it may be why he has been allowed to live. The guy speaks screeds about fighting Russia and supporting Ukraine. Kyiv is already going nuts and is proclaiming loudly: ‘Routh is not us.’”

For example, in a Sept. 16 posting to X, Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Brigade denied association with Routh after a video of Routh began circulating online of him attending a rally supporting Azov's Mariupol garrison. Azov issued a statement saying “the peaceful demonstration he attended was open and anyone could join it. He was caught on video by the protesters by accident.”

“We believe that the spread of the narrative about the possible connection between Azov and Ryan Wesley Routh is playing along with Russian propaganda and discredits the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine and the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine in general,” the statement continued.

In an article on the same day, many American fighters and volunteers in Ukraine told the New York Post, that they were fearful that reports circulating in Ukraine of the alleged would-be assassin’s efforts could crush the critical U.S. support for the war that their lives depend upon.

“This is not going to be good for support for Ukraine, to what degree I can’t say,” a member of the International Legion for the Defense of Ukraine told the Post, adding that he thought Routh had a “Messiah complex. “I can tell you, though, that this is definitely bad. It does not help.”

Johnson, who is also a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), echoed that assessment, saying the attempt on Trump’s life will have a detrimental effect on U.S. support for Ukraine, at least among Trump supporters. Now, he warned, the Secret Service is on notice; the focus is on it in such a way that they can’t “afford to allow sloppiness and poor planning and poor security to go unanswered.”

“That Biden has finally given Trump Presidential-level protection is a good thing,” the source concluded. “But there are still people in NATO that want to take him out. I expect them to make more efforts to do that and I think that Trump is aware of this. Let’s see what comes out on this latest attempt, where the alleged shooter has not been murdered, at least not yet.”

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