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RFK, Jr. and Don Trump, Jr. Demand Immediate U.S. Negotiations with Russia

Sept. 18—In an opinion piece published today in The Hill, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump, Jr. issued a call to the Biden-Harris administration to “reverse their insane war agenda and open direct negotiations with Moscow.” Act now, they say, before it’s too late. The two warn that since the Biden-Harris administration has failed to find a diplomatic off-ramp to the war in Ukraine, a war that should have never been allowed to take place, it is now insanely pursuing a policy “that Russia says it will interpret as an act of war.” President Vladimir Putin has been very clear, they warn, stating that Ukrainian long-range strikes in Russia “will mean that NATO countries—the United States and European countries—are at war with Russia.”

Kennedy and Trump point to the idiocy of those 17 former diplomats and generals who on Sept. 10 wrote an open letter to U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and U.K. Foreign Secretary Lammy, as they were visiting Kyiv, that, because Putin hasn’t responded to Ukrainian strikes on territory “Russia considers its own—including Crimea and Kursk,” he’s really bluffing. But, “these analysts are mistaking restraint for weakness,” assert Trump and Kennedy, and “are advocating a strategy of brinkmanship.” Each escalation with new weapons “draws the world closer to the brink of Armageddon,” forgetting the wise words of John F. Kennedy, who said in 1963 “nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.” Trump and Kennedy review Putin’s past statements, making clear that he doesn’t bluff, documenting his specific statements to this effect and the threats to Russian territorial sovereignty that would induce him to use nuclear weapons. They also point to Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov’s announcement that Russia would be amending its nuclear doctrine in response to Western involvement in the Ukraine war.

In concluding, the two starkly warn: “This game of nuclear ‘chicken’ has gone far enough. There is no remaining step between firing U.S. missiles deep into Russian territory and a nuclear exchange. …The war fever in the U.S. foreign policy establishment is at such a pitch that it is hard to tell whether they believe their own rhetoric. Kamala Harris, in her debate with Donald Trump, absurdly claimed that Russian forces would be rolling across Europe, despite the fact “Russia made its war aims very clear at the outset—most notably Ukrainian neutrality and a halt to NATO’s eastward expansion.”

No one—“not Europe, not America and certainly not Ukraine” has benefitted from this war—only hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars lost, they write, and then they conclude: "It is past time to de-escalate this conflict. This is more important than any of the political issues our nation argues about. Nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it, maybe even the end of the human species.

“Former President Donald Trump has vowed to end this war, but by the time he takes office, it might be too late. We need to demand, right now, that Harris and President Biden reverse their insane war agenda and open direct negotiations with Moscow."

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