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Ritter: Attempt To Silence Me, Others Part of Drive for Nuclear War

Sept. 17—In his Substack post on Sept. 15,  former UN weapons inspector and NATO critic Scott Ritter defiantly republished an article that was originally published by RT on Aug. 19. In it, Ritter emphasized the strategic significance of recent FBI raids against him, Dimitri Simes, and others, and the servile acquiescence of most Western journalism to policy that is being dictated to them by Global NATO to silence dissent:

“The consequences of this Russophobia-infected journalism are dire—not only has the ignorance enshrined within the journalism of the West resulted in the destruction of Ukraine, but, if not reversed, is leading the Collective West down the path of inevitable conflict with Russia which would probably end in a general nuclear war.

“Trying to head off such a tragic outcome has been the fuel that feeds my work as a journalist these past few years. And it will continue to fuel my work going forward. I am grateful to RT for allowing my words to be published and disseminated in both written and video form. I believe that, in doing so, RT is contributing to the cause of saving the world from the horror of nuclear war. Even if the Russophobia-infected minds in the Collective West fail to recognize this.” At the request of the State Department, the Justice Department is moving in coordination with Global NATO to shutdown RT, while claiming that anyone who is working with them is attempting to subvert the policy interest and law of the United States. This is likely, in part, what led to the FBI raid on his home in upstate New York last month. Ritter said he was recently forced by the U.S. actions to cancel all contracts he had with RT, and other Russian new outlets, which he said is censorship of his journalism.

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