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Biden Holds His Ground Against Advanced Weapons to Attack Russia

Sept. 28—NATO’s sock-puppet dictator of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, did not have a good week in the U.S. and left for home without getting permission from President “Sleepy Joe” Biden to use advanced American missile systems, such as ATACMS, to strike deep into the Russian homeland.

The liberal pro-war media, including the sections owned by the British Empire, did their best to pump up Zelenskyy’s delusional so-called “Victory Plan,” which is merely a cover to justify NATO-backed missile attacks on Russian targets. But sources report that Biden held his ground as the usual cast of so-called experts, as well as that bungling incompetent, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, denounced as “bluster,” “nuclear saber rattling,” and “hot air” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s newly announced changes in doctrine for the use of Russia nuclear weapons.

Russia’s new doctrine contains the blunt statement that an attack on Russia by a non-nuclear power using conventional weapons, when backed or supported by a nuclear power, would be considered as a joint attack and could be met with a nuclear response, not necessarily exclusively against the non-nuclear power (Ukraine, for example), but against the supporting nuclear power(s) (NATO, the United States, and Britain, for example).

Britain’s new Labor government, led by Prime Minister Sir Keith Starmer, has been humping for U.S. permission to use the ATACMS and the British-made Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles, on Russian targets. Biden rejected a request from Starmer Sept. 13 during a White House visit, to launch a massive attack on Russian military targets from Ukraine, using ATACMS and Storm Shadows. Writing on Sept. 19 in Natylie’s Place, NATO critic and former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter stated that had Biden given in to Starmer’s pressure and signed off on the permission, Ukraine was prepared to launch strikes on Russia that very night, and within 72 minutes we would all be dead in a general thermonuclear war.

Fortunately, Biden did not listen to the ravings of those around him, including from Vice President Kamala Harris, the whore for NATO and the Democrat Party’s Presidential nominee, who support the use of the long-range weapons, and instead reportedly followed the recommendations of the civilian leadership in the Defense Department and the less lunatic members of the Joint Chiefs. He rejected any plans to use weapons systems to hit targets deep into Russia, as rightly carrying a risk of starting a nuclear war—a risk that was not worth taking on behalf of what is a losing NATO war against Russia, using dead Ukrainians for body bag filler. (Ukrainian casualties are estimated by competent analysts to be north of 700,000 dead, and counting.)

Sources also report that Biden received a briefing on the conclusions of a recent secret evaluation of the state of the on-the-ground battles in Ukraine, conducted under the supervision of CIA Director William Burns, that found any talk of a Ukrainian victory, under any circumstances, was fanciful nonsense, and that it was the sense of Ukraine’s competent military commanders that they should immediately cease hostilities and seek a negotiated settlement. The insane Zelenskyy, recognizing that his personal fate is tied to his delusional claims of victory, has thus far thwarted such efforts, even relieving line officers who disagree with him.

Sources report that during their Sept. 26 meeting, Biden told the Ukrainian dictator that he had no plans of ever authorizing the proposed missile attacks on Russia, no matter how desperate the situation on the battlefield. Zelenskyy is said to have told Biden that he doubted that his armies could hold out for more than a month or so without opening up a new front against Russia with missile attacks, and that without that capability, Ukraine would be forced into negotiations at a disadvantage. Biden, who was reported to be remarkably cogent during the meeting, told the NATO puppet, “Then you had better be prepared to negotiate.”

As a palliative, to make this bitter pill easier to swallow, Biden said he would make sure that Ukraine got the more than $8 billion in U.S. aid that was already in the pipeline, before he (Biden) leaves office in January, in order to prevent the possibility of a President Donald Trump from cancelling these allotments. These payments, sources report, while mostly too late to have any real effect on the battlefield where the Russian Armed Forces are in the process of routing the Ukrainian Armed Forces, especially along Ukraine’s Eastern front, they contain a significant amount of cash that Zelenskyy deploys to fuel a vast network of corruption, which runs what is left of the country. (His other source of revenue, informed sources report, is the sale of U.S.-supplied weapons to third parties, including drug cartels and terrorist organizations and their representatives.)

“Biden may not be all there, but despite his public statements to the contrary, he knows that this war has been lost,” said another source. “Biden is not going to risk a nuclear war for a lost cause. Now, that bitch Kamala [Harris] would do just that. She is a real whore for NATO and would authorize the use of long-distance weapons. She told Zelenskyy as much during their private meeting Sept. 26 at the White House. But her support is hardly worth anything, really, as the war will be over one way or another, before she would have the pwoer to do that—if it [a Harris victory] occurs.”

Zelenskyy Meets with Trump

The sock-puppet dictator, who in happier times was a television children’s comedian, had really nothing, so far, to show for his trip. After angering the former President with his attacks on the yet-to-be disclosed Trump peace plan, Zelenskyy requested a meeting with the GOP candidate, after Trump expressed no real interest in meeting with him. Why, then, did Trump agree to the meeting which took place at Trump Tower in New York Sept. 27?

“Trump wanted to deliver a message to this highly delusional guy,” said a source with contacts inside the Trump campaign. “He wanted to tell him that he was not joking, that he was going to end this damn war, and if Zelenskyy is still in power, he had better play ball. Trump knows that any deal will take compromise. The Russians have said that, while they will never give back the four oblasts that voted to become part of the Russian Federation, their borders could be adjusted and any Ukrainians who want to leave them, would be allowed to do so.

But Trump also told Zelenskyy that he (Zelenskyy) was backing himself into a political corner from which there was no exit by saying he would never compromise on the point of getting back all the lands that Russia had taken including the Crimea. That’s the price of peace, and of not agreeing to a deal sooner, when that might have been at least partially possible, before these areas joined the Russian Federation. He also made it clear that, while he would guarantee Ukraine’s sovereignty, he was not going to continue to fund the war. Trump also reportedly told Zelenskyy that, under him (Trump), the U.S. would play a major role in the reconstruction of his country.”

“They were all smiles when they went into the meeting,” said the source, “with Trump going out of his way to thank Zelenskyy for the role he played in throwing cold water on a Democrat Party effort to impeach him (Trump) over his alleged asking for Zelenskyy’s help in getting to the bottom of the alleged corrupt dealings of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in the Ukraine. But I am sure Zelenskyy’s smile was forced.”

“I think we have a common view that the war in Ukraine has to be stopped, and Putin can’t win,” Zelenskyy said.

After arriving together at a conference room, Trump said, “the fact that we’re even together today, is a very good sign.”

In recent days, Trump has praised Russia’s historic military victories and insisted that the U.S. needs “to get out” and end its involvement with Ukraine.

Friday’s meeting almost wasn’t scheduled despite Zelenskyy’s office saying something had been planned during the Ukrainian leader’s Sept. 25 address to the UN General Assembly, during which he made his endgame pitch to allies.

In a Sept. 22 interview with The New Yorker, Zelenskyy implied that Trump does not understand and oversimplifies the conflict. The Ukrainian dictator said that Trump’s running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) was “too radical” and had essentially advocated for Ukraine to “make a sacrifice” by “giving up its territories.”

Trump ripped Zelenskyy and Ukraine on two separate occasions last week. Speaking Sept. 25 at a campaign rally in Mint Hill, in North Carolina, Trump referred to Ukraine as “demolished” and its people as “dead.” 

“Any deal—the worst deal—would’ve been better than what we have now,” Trump said. “If they made a bad deal, it would’ve been much better. They would’ve given up a little bit and everybody would be living, and every building would be built, and every tower would be aging for another 2,000 years.”

After their Sept. 27 meeting, Trump told Fox News that he had not changed his position on the war. “We both want to see this end; we both want to see a fair deal made,” 

Trump said that the war is a “complicated puzzle” and when asked what a fair deal would entail, he said it’s “too early to say that.”

Hours later, one of Trump’s top surrogates, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., speaking at a Trump campaign rally in Walker, Michigan, argued against further aiding Ukraine. Kennedy suggested that NATO provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and argued that the U.S. should no longer be helping Zelenskyy and his people.

“Don’t you think we could use that money over here, in this country?” Kennedy said, drawing heavy applause.

Kennedy praised Trump’s handling of his meeting with Zelenskyy and said, “I know what Donald Trump was thinking while he was having that meeting. He was thinking, ‘I want to turn this guy over and hold him by his legs and shake all the money out of his pockets and hope it adds up to $208 billion.... That’s what the Democrats gave him; we need to bring that money home.’”

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