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French-Anglo-American Leak Sheet Fingers Schiller Institute for FBI Action

Sept. 11—Some in the Atlanticist centers of power appear to be worried that the Schiller Institute’s campaign for a new international security and development architecture is becoming a powerful threat to their dying unipolar order.

The Paris-based intelligence leak sheet, Intelligence Online, published a piece on the front page of its website Sept. 9, blaring: “Washington-Based Non-Profit Continues Spreading Kremlin Message.” A kicker identified the target of its slander: “The Schiller Institute has continued to cooperate with Russian media outlets, even while the U.S. cracks down on foreign influence.[…]” The attack was not unexpected, as journalists associated with the outfit had been sniffing around the Schiller Institute since the beginning of the month.

The article itself is behind a (very expensive) paywall, but its intent is clear. Coming just six days after the U.S. Department of Justice announced a new series of drastic actions to shut down agencies and individuals accused of running Russian “Foreign Malign Influence Operations” into the U.S. elections, the Intelligence Online product is a direct call for FBI and other action to silence Schiller Institute operations in the United States. The article makes sure to reference the FBI’s raid on former UN weapons inspector and Marine intelligence officer Scott Ritter’s home as part of its argument. Ritter is frequent speaker and participant Schiller events, and vcoal critic NAT's war against Russia in the Ukraine.

As for Intelligence Online, only a silly fool would look at its profile and believe that it is the “100% independent” intelligence news agency it claims to be. Its track record for 40 years has been as an outlet for French and Anglo-American intelligence agencies, publishing purported “scoops” from the underworld of the intelligence services, which target those whom the “powers that be” such as NATO choose to hit at that time. In fact, as far back as 2002, an Intelligence Online journalist co-authored a book with a scurrilous attack on Lyndon LaRouche and his French associate and former French Presidential candidate, Jacques Cheminade. 

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