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Zelenskyy, in Hitler-like Delusional Rage, Used by NATO to Prolong Ukraine Slaughter

Aug. 22—Volodymyr Zelenskyy, NATO’s sock puppet dictator of Ukraine, emerged from his bunker Aug. 19 (which apparently features an underground workout room), to deliver a Hitler-like rant to a gathering of his ambassadors, proclaiming the glory of his invasion of the Russian Federation’s Kursk Region and how that invasion “proves” that there are no such things as “red-lines,” the crossing of which would provoke a major response from Russia. He demanded that his backers in Global NATO allow him to unleash the full force of the weapons they have given him and allow him to direct them at targets deep inside the “enemy’s homeland.” He ordered the assembled diplomats to go forth and lobby for this, to allow him to be unchained, so he can bring the war—a war in which he has sent more than 700,000 Ukrainian soldiers to meet their Maker—to a swift and glorious conclusion.

Entoned the puppet: “Just a few months ago, many people around the world, if they had heard that we were planning such an operation like the one in the Kursk region, would have said that it was impossible and that it would cross the strictest of all the red lines that Russia has. That is why, actually, no one knew about our preparations. And now our warriors’ real success speaks for itself. We are now witnessing a significant ideological shift, namely, the whole naive, illusory concept of so-called red lines regarding Russia, which dominated the assessment of the war by some partners, has crumbled these days somewhere near [the town of] Sudzha [in the Kursk Region].

“When our Ukrainian defenders of life act just like this, strongly, bravely, and when an operation is really well-prepared, Putin has no options left. And now the world sees that it is true, that it really works—not only in the temporarily occupied territory of our state, but also in the territory of Russia itself.”

And then, presumably, he returned to his cozy bunker and its War Room where he recommenced to busy himself arranging the deaths of even more young Ukrainian men and women in a war that he and his Global NATO backers had lost on the same day it was provoked back on Feb. 22, 2023.

Zelenskyy’s rant was intended to maintain the silly charade that this lunatic was somehow acting on his own when he sent Ukrainian forces into Kursk Aug. 6, and that NATO—and especially what passes for a government in Washington—had been against the move, which they have claimed through various leaked sources, violated “red lines” clearly and forcefully established by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The reality is that there is solid evidence, reported in even some Western media, that not only was Zelenskyy ordered to conduct this militarily stupid “surprise attack,” the U.S. and NATO were involved in planning it, as well as providing on-the-ground personnel, only thinly disguised by wearing Ukrainian uniforms and insignia.

If they were trying to fool the Russian political leadership and military command as to who is behind this, they have failed miserably. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave an interview to journalist Pavel Zarubin Aug. 19, explaining that throughout the Ukraine conflict, "the U.S. has denied knowledge and responsibility for every new Kyiv adventure, only to later blame Ukraine, telling Kyiv not to go forward with those actions, and then watching them do so, anyhow. Listen, this is childish babble. Everyone understands perfectly well that Zelenskyy would never have decided on this invasion if the United States had not instructed him to.”

Meanwhile, intense fighting rages in the border areas of Kursk, with the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffering staggering losses—as much as 4,000 of their invasion force reinforced to around 10,000—and losing much equipment and armor, including several HIMARS missile launchers, of which Ukraine had only a small number to start with. Battles are being fought over small amounts of land inside Russia—land that the invading Ukrainian forces will ultimately not be able to hold. Meanwhile, sources report, Ukraine’s entire Eastern Front, including the Donbas Region, is nearing total collapse. Russian forces are now advancing rapidly against positions previously strongly held, but now made vulnerable as many of the Ukrainian troops have been shifted out to reinforce the invasion.

“NATO fully endorsed this insane maneuver,” said a source with connections to American intelligence. “It is important to realize the kind of operation NATO has designed: A military force providing cover for organized terrorist patrols, whose targets are not Russian military, but innocent civilians, including women and children; property, including homes and farms; and infrastructure. These are organized squads made up of pure killers, many of whom come from overtly Nazi units in the Ukraine military, such as the Azov Battalion, as well as paid mercenaries. The battles being fought now are to allow for this terrorism to continue for as long as possible. Here NATO is following pure Nazi warfare strategies, in which Waffen-SS units were used to a similar purpose: inflict brutal slaughter on the enemy and thus create fear and terror, in an effort to panic populations who would then come to believe that their governments could not protect them.

“It took a while for the Russians to figure out what was going on,” the source continued. “Now, along with regular army units and well-trained soldiers, the Russian military has deployed counter-terrorist special forces to deal with the “Waffen-SS” patrols. In not such a long time, Russia will crush this Ukrainian operation, at great loss of life for the Ukrainians and many, unfortunate innocent civilian casualties. The Russians have not yet provided any figures on the wounded and killed of their own troops and civilians.”

“Some have also suggested that NATO also was giving this ‘little Hitler', Zelenskyy, a suicide pill,” the source stated. “They may have been under the delusion that this gambit would force Putin to negotiate, rather than risk further harm to Russian civilians. To anybody who knows how Putin thinks, the invasion was stupid from the get-go. He will never negotiate with terrorists. On June 14, he offered peace, proposing what was essentially a land-for-peace deal, which would have allowed Russia to keep what is already theirs by force and by the expressed desire of the people who live in Crimea and the four Eastern oblasts, all of which had voted in plebiscites to join the Russian Federation. Ethnic Ukrainians in those Regions, who wished to leave in order to live in Ukraine would be allowed to do so; Ukraine would be a sovereign but neutral country and not part of NATO; and the Nazi militia and military formations such as Azov must be disbanded.

"Zelenskyy rejected those terms. Now, after the invasion, while Russia is publicly saying it has nothing to discuss, what most people don’t realize is that the Russians are already talking to their Ukrainian military counterparts and have been doing so for months, despite Zelenskyy’s objections. In fact, the two sides have already agreed on terms similar to Putin’s offer.

“When the Kursk gambit collapses, with tremendous losses and with that all-day sucker Zelenskyy defiantly taking the credit for it," the source said, “It should be easy to get him out of there for someone new. The Russians know this and so does NATO, which may be planning to put their little Hitler and his wife Olena Zelenska on a plane for exile in Miami, or more appropriately, Hollywood. The NATO plan would be to put the former Interior Minister [Arsen Borysovych] Avakov in power. This is the guy who founded Azov, so the Russians can’t deal with this Nazi, and the war would grind on. But Ukraine’s military people and others could offer a different solution, one that leads to an end of the war, finally ending the senseless slaughter. Either way the raving little Hitler, Zelenskyy, is gone, choking on his ‘glorious maneuver.’

“There is another factor that scares NATO, “the source concluded: "The possibility that Donald Trump wins the Presidential election Nov. 7 and carries out his stated intention to end the war even before inauguration Jan. 20. Trump is a wild card, whose actions are unpredictable, but most insiders believe his hatred of NATO is sincere. Some who are close to Trump report that he thinks that NATO, acting through its agents inside the FBI and other U.S. government agencies, was likely behind the attempted hit on him July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"So, NATO will likely try to rig the election, and maybe even attempt another hit. These are wild times, and Putin fully knows this. He also knows who is behind this terror attack on Russia and has said that he will act against the real authors of this and other attacks on the Russian homeland, warning that his response will be asymmetrical. I doubt whether anyone in Washington or Brussels knows what that word means, but they should be very afraid of it.”

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