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Pope Invokes ‘Jubilee Year 2025’ Preparations, ‘Reconciliation Prevails over Injustice’

Jan. 9—In his traditional New Year’s audience for the diplomatic corps at the Vatican, on Jan. 8, 

Pope Francis concluded his remarks:

“This year the Church is preparing for the Holy Year that will begin next Christmas….

“Today, perhaps more than ever, we need a Holy Year. Amid many causes of suffering that lead to a sense of hopelessness not only in those directly affected but throughout our societies; amid the difficulties experienced by our young people, who instead of dreaming of a better future often feel helpless and frustrated; and amid the gloom of this world that seems to be spreading rather than receding, the Jubilee is a proclamation that God never abandons his people and constantly keeps open the doors to his Kingdom. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Jubilee is a season of grace that enables us to experience God’s mercy and the gift of his peace. It is also a season of righteousness, in which sins are forgiven, reconciliation prevails over injustice, and the earth can be at rest. For everyone—Christians and non-Christians—the Jubilee can be a time when swords are beaten into ploughshares, a time when one nation will no longer lift up sword against another, nor learn war any more (cf. Is 2:4).”

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